How Did Trump Do in 2017?

As President Trump’s first year in office nears a close, how do his accomplishments stack up against his campaign promises? How do Trump’s achievements meet expectations – both for those who voted for him, and those who didn’t?
Trump Has Exceeded All Expectations So Far  |  Fox Business [2017-12-22]

CBS News Washington Correspondents reflect on Trump’s first year | Face the Nation [2017-12-24]

Many of those who supported Donald Trump hold that the list of his accomplishments and fulfilled promises during 2017 is exemplary. Though it’s not exactly true that the number is “record-breaking,” as Trump stated about the number of pieces of legislation he’s signed into law, supporters say they’re pleased with what Donald Trump has gotten done.

Whether Trump’s achievements are seen as successes or whether they are troubling, however, depends on perspective. For those who don’t share the worldview of Donald Trump, or at least of his supporters, promises are on level with threats. And sometimes, the view of whether a promise is fulfilled (or a threat is followed through on) depends on semantics, or…spin.

Below are some of the items the White House recently listed as fulfilled promises:

  • Lowered the national unemployment rate: Sarah Huckabee Sanders states that there are currently 1.7 million new jobs, and that the U.S. unemployment rate is currently at 4.1 percent.
  • Saw record Stock Market highs.
  • Created smaller government: For every on new regulation on business, Trump has rolled back 22 existing regulations.
  • Increased protection for U.S. industry and jobs: The U.S. withdrew from or began renegotiating trade deals.
  • Established energy independence: The U.S. withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement.
  • Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota access pipelines.
  • Directed the EPA to end the “War on Coal” (lifted Obama’s moratorium on federal coal leasing and ended Obama’s Clean Power Plan that focused on limiting emissions from coal-burning power plants).
  • Reduced the number of illegal U.S. border crossings.
  • Moved closer to building the U.S.- Mexico border wall (we now have eight wall prototypes under consideration).
  • Defeated ISIS (eliminated many ISIS strongholds).
  • Reshaped the American judiciary system (Confirmed Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court and confirmed 22 other Federal judges).
  • Reinstated the Mexico City Policy. (The Policy blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations that support decriminalization of abortion or provide abortion services, or seek to expand abortion services).
  • Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
  • Repealed the “Obamacare” individual mandate (as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act).

Can these be considered promises kept, or threats carried out? Or do some of them spin somewhere in a third category?

Sarah Sanders Lists Trump Accomplishments  | War Room [2017-12-20]

Reality Check: Trump’s Accomplishments, So Far |  WCCO CBS Minnesota [2017-11-01]

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