Donald Trump’s Growing Parallels with Joseph McCarthy

Long before Donald Trump was elected President, many were comparing his behavior to that of Joseph McCarthy, the 1950s U.S. Senator from Wisconsin best known for his Communist witch hunt. Joseph McCarthy attempted to expose alleged communists and others he suspected of subversion in the U.S. government.

It seems that the resemblance to Joseph McCarthy continues to grow as Trump stacks up more and more actions and statements that approximate those of McCarthy. Perhaps this should scare us even more than McCarthy scared us, because McCarthy was a Senator; Trump is our President.

McCarthyism is defined as “The practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.” The term tends to have a broader meaning in recent years – often used to describe demagogic attacks or unsubstantiated, reckless accusations against one’s adversaries, calling into question their patriotism or character. “Smearing American political institutions for political gain” (Carl Bernstein).

Joseph McCarthy was elected by appealing to the fears and prejudices of his base, many of whom felt alienated and unheard. Donald Trump was elected in a similar manner – by a base who believed he would be a voice for them. Trump maintains the support of his base in the same way – by exploiting their fears and resentments, and by demonizing those whom he has convinced them are their enemies.

McCarthy used tactics such as discrediting those who criticized him, and questioning the patriotism of those who didn’t support him. Like McCarthy, Donald Trump often belittles those who speak out against his behavior. In a recent tweet, for example, he referred to Senator Dick Durbin as “Little Dicky Durbin” when Durbin called Trump out for his remarks about “s***hole countries. More recently, Trump, though some say he was joking, lightly applied the idea of treason to the Democrats who weren’t applauding during Trump’s State of the Union Address.

Donald Trump continually smears immigrants, creating an unfounded connection between immigrants and crime, and fueling suspicion toward immigrants by his base. He stirs up resentment toward non-whites, as well as the LGBT community.

Trump ridicules Democrats, and Republicans when they disagree with him. The press, too, is a constant target, and Trump goes to great lengths to discredit them. Toward all of his perceived enemies, he hurls insults, profanity, and sarcasm. At the same time, like McCarthy, Trump seems to enjoy the publicity he receives when he’s repudiated by a critic.

We could write off Trump’s behavior as “eccentric,” or “speaking his mind” (or speaking his base’s mind) and leave it at that. In a couple of years, perhaps someone else will be elected, and a different group will complain. But Donald Trump’s words and actions cause more than just distaste among his opponents.

When Trump, the leader of our nation, promotes animosity and mistrust toward his critics, and when he ridicules those who cross him, he sows divisiveness among all Americans. When he seeks to undermine key government agencies and posts by casting even subtle doubt as to their integrity, he breeds chaos and further dissolves unity among us.

Donald Trump’s base, so far,  defend and make excuses for him, no matter what. In Joseph McCarthy’s case, his constituents’ support for him eventually faded. McCarthy was disciplined. Will Donald Trump’s actions ever reach the point where even his current staunch supporters have had enough? As with Joseph McCarthy’s supporters, will Trump’s base ever reach the point where they no longer see the emperor’s clothes?

Understanding McCarthyism |  Discovery Education [2015-09-15]

Donald Trump is the New Joseph McCarthy |  HuffPost [2016-06-09]

Carl Bernstein Compares Trump to Joe McCarthy: ‘Authoritarian Demagogue’ | CNN [2018-02-07]


The Devin Nunes Memo: What Does It Prove?

The Devin Nunes Memo is an example of how two opposing sides can each view the same contents of the same document as supporting their position. On February 2, Donald Trump approved the release of the memo, against the wishes of several of his appointees. The Devin Nunes Memo accuses the FBI of abusing its use of surveillance powers to monitor Carter Page, who, at the time, was a Trump advisor.

The Devin Nunes Memo alleges that the FBI used information from the Steele Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Page. The idea that the dossier, which barely mentions Carter Page, was the primary basis for getting the warrant, raises questions. The memo argues that the FBI showed bias against the Trump campaign by monitoring Page without substantiated data. As early as 2013, however – long before Carter Page was associated with the Trump administration – the FBI suspected Page of spying on behalf of the Russians, due to his apparent connections with the Russian mob.

The FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page was renewed three times. Each renewal required proof that the surveillance has elicited new evidence that the subject of the monitoring is an agent of a foreign power. Four separate judges signed off on the FISA warrant and its renewals. Each of the judges who signed off on the warrant or the renewals was a Republican appointee.

South Carolina Republican House Representative Trey Gowdy, one of the authors of the Devin Nunes memo, says, that, though the memo may raise questions about the process the FBI used to get the FISA warrant, it does not impact the Russia investigation. It also does not “vindicate” Trump, as Trump tweeted it did.

The dossier, Gowdy said, “(also) has nothing to do with the meeting at Trump Tower, nothing to do with an email sent by Cambridge Analytica, nothing to do with obstruction of justice, and nothing to do with George Papadapoulos’ meeting in Great Britain.” The goal of the memo seems to be little more than to sow reasonable doubt.

The Devin Nunes memo seems to ask more questions than it answers. Republicans are inclined to see the memo as evidence that the Russia investigation is a nothing more than a witchhunt. Others, who feel the investigation should continue, could look to the Devin Nunes Memo as support for their position, as well.

Wallace: Troubling Details in Nunes Memo; is it Full Story? |  Fox News [2018-02-02]

Trey Gowdy Breaks with Trump on Nunes Memo |  CNN [2018-02-04]