* Erik’s Editorial: Clocktower Law Announces 50% Discount For Muslims, Immigrants, and Others Marginalized by the Trump Administration, Trump is not the “law and order” POTUS, Trump is the “lawless and disorder” POTUS (2017-02-14)

1. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101127616743808

Happy Valentine’s Day from Clocktower Law:

* Clocktower Law Announces 50% Discount For Muslims, Immigrants, and Others (2017-02-14)
Nonprofit discount extended to any group marginalized by the Trump administration.

2. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101127831952528

The law(less) and (dis)order POTUS.

* Erik’s Editorial: Trump blames “bad” things he inhered from Obama, Trump does not credit good things he inherited from Obama (2017-02-12)

source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101125914350418

Today’s word to watch (and Google news search) is “inherit” and its variants. Note now the Trump is administration quick to blame the Obama administration for the (imagined) “bad” things that they have “inherited” while failing to give credit for the (in fact) good things. A true leader takes credit for the good, blame for the bad. The buck stops here.
