* Republicans Face Backlash From Constituents At Town Hall Meetings, NASA Finds More Habitable Planets, Trump Removes Federal Protection For Transgender Students (2017-02-23)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. Republicans Were NOT Prepared For Town Hall Backlash (2017-02-22)


The Young Turks – “Republicans politicians weren’t expecting this much backlash from their policies. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola, the hosts of The Young Turks, show you Republican representatives getting owned by their constituents.”

1. Hegseth: Town hall chaos exposes the left for who they are (2017-02-22)


Fox News – “Fox News contributor sounds off about the protesters.”

2. Habitable Planets Found, NASA Announces Major Space Discovery | TIME (2017-02-22)


TIME – “NASA holds a ‘Discovery Beyond Our Solar System’ press conference on major information about exoplanets, or planets that orbit stars other than our sun.”

2. Scientists discover seven Earth-sized planets (2017-02-22)


Fox News – “The search for life beyond this solar system is getting a big boost; Kristin Fisher has the details for ‘Special Report.'”

3. PBS NewsHour full episode Feb. 22, 2017 (2017-02-22)


PBS NewsHour – “Wednesday on the NewsHour, hundreds flee amid flooding in Northern California. Also: A major change on school bathrooms and transgender youth, newspaper editors explain readers’ views on the political climate, Syrian refugees who would prefer not to move to the U.S., hope for alien life in a newly discovered solar system and an industrial towns puts its faith in revitalized manufacturing.”

3. President Trump rescinds transgender bathroom policy (2017-02-23)


Fox News – “‘Bathroom Bill’ was enacted under Former President Obama.”

* Erik’s Editorial: If 100% enforcement of immigration laws results in badness, then we should amend said laws; History will be the final judge of Trump; Muslims help repair vandalized Jewish cemetery; Trump hates the LGBT community (2017-02-22)

1. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136330132108

No law is enforced 100%.

It’s not helpful, necessary, or sane to enforce immigration law 100%.

But if we must have 100% enforcement, how about of these laws instead?

antitrust laws
discrimination laws
ethics laws
pollution laws
tax laws
traffic laws

* Office of Congressional Ethics

2. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136463494848

A have several millionaire friends.
And at least one billionaire classmate.
Most of whom have been conspicuously silent since inauguration day.

Don’t be silent. Be this guy:

* August Landmesser – Wikipedia

3. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136476189408

The Trump administration is demonstrably on the wrong side of history on just about every issue it has touched. But I alone do not have to judge Trump and his ilk. History will be his judge, and he will certainly be both a bottom quartile POTUS and the worst in my lifetime (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States).

As to what is right and what is wrong. I submit that it is quite easy to tell. Just ask your mother. As it says on the home page of the Clocktower Law website, “We do not, however, represent patent trolls, trademark bullies, or cybersquatters.” When representing clients, it is easy to tell the good apples from the bad eggs.

I am reminded of the Valediction of Professor Gregory, whose influence on my life is reflected in how I run my firm, and who said, “Look at reality with a cold, hard, steely-eyed gaze. Lawyers get bad reputations by distorting reality. If you feel yourself losing sight of reality, fear not. I have the solution: Ask you mother.”

Vigilance, my friends.

* Professor David D. Gregory (2011-01-26)
Teacher, Mentor, Friend.

4. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136567286848

There is hope for America:

* Muslims Help Repair Vandalized Jewish Cemetery (2017-02-22)

5. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136726363058

Dear Politicians:

Stay out of my bathroom.
Stay out of my bedroom.
Stay out of my pants.

A Voter

* Trump Administration Rolls Back Protections For Transgender Students (2017-02-22)

6. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101136780120328

So this is not what you would expect:


Proving, among other things, that Trump need better trademark lawyers.

Whereas this is exactly what you would expect:
