* Anti-Semitism Epidemic, Betsy DeVos Protests, Mass Deportation Of Immigrants? (2017-02-22)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. Homeland Security Unveils Deportation Plan (2017-02-21)


The Young Turks – “The Department of Homeland Security has outlined how the government will handle upcoming mass deportations. John Iadarola and Ben Mankiewicz, the hosts of The Young Turks, discuss how DHS will deport immigrants.”

1. Is it a dream or a nightmare on illegal immigration? (2017-02-20)


Fox News – “‘The O’Reilly Factor’: Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points 2/20; Plus reaction from Charles Krauthammer.”

2. Betsy DeVos is off to a rocky start (2017-02-21)


CNN – “Less than a month into her job, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is receiving fierce criticism and attacks on her views — requiring US Marshals to protect her. CNN’s Tom Foreman reports.”

2. How Dept of Education can improve science education (2017-02-21)


Fox News – “Dr. Margaret Honey, President & CEO of the NY Hall of Science, and Jaymes Dec discuss the importance of STEM education and how the Department of Education can make improvements.”

3. HUNDREDS Of Jewish Gravestones Vandalized (2017-02-21)


The Young Turks – “Anti-semitism seems to be a growing problem lately… Ana Kasparian and Ben Mankiewicz, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.”

3. Fmr. Shiloh, Israel mayor on Jewish center bomb threats (2017-02-21)


Fox Business – “Former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel David Rubin weighs in on the bomb threats made against Jewish centers and the first lady prayer backlash.”

* Erik’s Editorial: With 100% enforcement of traffic laws, we’ll finally get rid of “illegal drivers” and make America’s roads great again (2017-02-21)

1. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101135360550158

* Indivisible: A Practical Guide For Resisting The Trump Agenda
Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.

2. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101135889764608


Again, be vigilant about the words used.

We don’t call every speeder an “illegal driver,” but we call immigrants with any status violation “illegal aliens” (no matter how minor and nonviolent the violation). If their only “crime” is a “status” violation, then that should NOT be grounds for deportation. Unless we also jail all speeders. Most non-citizens are trying to simply keep their families together and work.

A better word for “illegal aliens” is “non-citizen American workers.”

Also be vigilant about the non-speaking policy czars. These include chief strategist Steve Bannon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon) and chief of staff Reince Priebus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reince_Priebus). These people avoid TV appearances for a reason.

Words matter.

Here’s an immigration law firm that gets it:
