George Papadapoulos First Trump Campaign Member to Be Sentenced

As the Justice Department’s “fake investigation” uncovers real lawbreakers, a judge has sentenced George Papadapoulos to 14 days in prison. Papadapoulos, a former member of the foreign policy advisory panel during Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, was found guilty of lying to investigators about his contact with individuals associated with Russia during Trump’s campaign. George Papadapoulos, in fact, became a catalyst for the start of the Russia investigation.

Papadapoulos is the first staff member of the Trump campaign to be sentenced in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. He was arrested in 2017, and pleaded guilty last October to lying to investigators.

George Papadapoulos’ contacts with Russia operatives came to light during a drunken conversation in a London bar with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer. Over drinks, Papadapoulos bragged that he had been told that Russia had thousands of stolen emails with political “dirt” that could damage Hilary Clinton’s campaign for president.

A couple of months after Papadapoulos’ conversation with the Australian diplomat, leaked Democrat emails began to surface. At that point, the Australian government passed the information to the U.S. government about Papadapoulos’ claims.

Though it’s clear that Papadapoulos boasted about his knowledge of emails that could damage the Clinton campaign, he maintains that he didn’t tell anyone in the Trump campaign about the emails. Or rather, he maintains that his memory tells him that he didn’t.

Papadapoulos and his lawyers insist that Papadapoulos’ intentions were not as “sinister” as the Justice Department has implied. They portray Papadapoulos as a young man who simply aspired to advance his career by looking good in front of his boss.  The sentencing memo reads that Papadapoulos had “…Misled investigators to save his professional aspirations and preserve a perhaps misguided loyalty to his master.”

When the possibility that Papadapoulos’ associations with Russia could incriminate the Trump administration in the Russia investigation, it quickly dismissed its relationship with Papadapoulos. Trump’s staff began referring to Pappadapoulos as a “coffee boy.” Sarah Sanders claimed, regarding Papadapoulos’ position, “No activity was ever done in an official capacity.”

As with others who have put themselves in compromising positions in the service of Donald Trump, the Trump administration has in turn allowed George Papadapoulos to slide under the bus. One might be tempted to tweet  the now familiar “SAD,” until remembering that George Papadapoulos’ ambition is probably a lot more than just that of an ambitious young thing with “misguided loyalty to his master.”

Ex-Trump campaign aide gets 14 days in prison | CNN [2018-09-07]

George Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in prison | Fox News [2018-09-07]

New York Times Trump Op-Ed: What Was the Goal?

What if we discovered who wrote the recent anonymous New York Times op-ed piece about what it is to work daily for Donald Trump? What if it’s indeed true that the author is a White House “senior administration official”? Since tales of Trump’s incompetence and the White House chaos are nothing new, would the identity of the person who penned the New York Times op-ed matter as much as the motivation behind writing it?

The letter begins: “I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The author goes on to say that he or she is not alone among the White House officials who are working to, in effect, save the nation from the president.

“To be clear, ours is not the popular ‘resistance’ of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

“But we believe our first duty is to this country, and the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.

“The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

Is this New York Times op-ed piece indeed the story of a group of “unsung heroes” who stay in a detestable situation for the grander purpose of thwarting the potential damage Donald Trump could cause to our nation? If so, then why not look into invoking the power of the 25th Amendment? If damage control and prevention are regular White House staff responses to Donald Trump’s erratic and impulsive behavior, why not drop the anonymity and band together to speak out?

Is the letter simply a publicity stunt to draw attention to the new Woodward book? The media has made much about the coincidental timing of the publication of this op-ed in the New York Times and the release of Bob Woodward’s book, Fear: Trump in the White House.

Or is this New York Times op-ed piece an attempt by the GOP on a larger scale to cover all GOP bases at once (from “We, too, support the administration’s policies and want it to succeed, Trump supporters,” to “We know he’s incompetent and amoral, but we we’ve got your backs, moderates”)? Maybe (and this may be a stretch) at the same time, it’s even an attempt to toss one to the Democrats (“We know things are in a state of bedlam in the White House, but don’t get your hopes up that this administration or the GOP are going down”).

Even if the op-ed’s author came forward with solid evidence of the piece’s veracity, would Donald Trump’s supporters be swayed by truth about Trump? Would moderate Republicans feel reassured and trust the integrity of someone who claimed to be the resistance, yet remained in the Trump White House? What did the author of this op-ed piece in the New York Times hope to accomplish?

Opinion | Trump is right. The anonymous op-ed is ‘gutless.’ | Washington Post [2018-09-06]

‘Senior official’ pens anonymous op-ed blasting Trump | Fox News [2018-09-05]