Resignation of the Week: Gary Cohn

This week, Donald Trump’s top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, announced his resignation as Director of the National Economic Council. Though Gary Cohn had talked for several months about potentially leaving, his departure still comes as a surprise.

Cohn, a former Wall Street banker, played an integral part in the creation of the tax reform bill passed in late 2017, that provided a bonanza for large corporations. He also supported the rollback of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as Dodd-Frank.

Disagreement with Trump Policies

Gary Cohn’s announcement of his resignation came shortly after Trump declared his plan for tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. Cohn had hotly opposed the plan. The new tariffs, which will take effect in about two weeks, will consist of a 25 percent tariff on imported steel, and a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum. Initially, Trump had wanted to levy the tariffs globally, but has agreed to exempt Canada and Mexico for now.

Gary Cohn, who leaned more to the left than other Trump staffers, disagreed with various Trump policies. In addition to his opposition to Trump’s tariff proposal, Cohn had been against the United States’ pulling out of the Paris Accords. He had also had vocally disagreed with Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, in which Trump stated that there were “good people on both sides.”

Though Gary Cohn will be the 19th Trump staffer to leave the White House, Donald Trump maintains that the churn is perfectly normal, and that there is no chaos in the White House. Earlier on the day of Cohn’s announced resignation, Trump tweeted: “The new fake news narrative is that there is CHAOS in the white house. Wrong! People will always come & go, and I want strong dialogue before making a final decision. I still have some people that I want to change (always seeking perfection). There is no chaos, only great energy!”

“Globalist Gary”

Some speculate that Trump’s remark about “People that I want to change…” may signal that Gary Cohn was forced to resign. Seen as a globalist, Gary Cohn was often derided within the Trump Administration as “Globalist Gary.” Cohn’s position has frequently flown in the face of Trump’s general “America First” policy of economic nationalism.

Indeed, the rise of protectionism, even beyond the United States, gives rise to speculation about Gary Cohn’s departure at this time. According to journalist Charlie Gasparino, Trump called each of his cabinet members into his office and asked if they were for or against the proposed tariffs (thus, whether or not they supported Trump’s policy). Cohn was not able to say yes.

Did Gary Cohn see the Trump tariff order as the last straw, solidifying his decision to resign? Or, after his inability to side with Trump on the steel and aluminum tariffs, was he forced to resign? Whether we see the steady stream of White House departures as chaos, or as normal churn, the White House has a way of swiftly relieving itself of staff members like Gary Cohn, who don’t see eye-to-eye with the President.

Toobin: Cohn Stomached Racism, but Not Tariffs | CNN  [2018-03-07]

Gary Cohn Was Effectively Fired: Gasparino  |  Fox Business  [2018-03-07]

DACA Deadline Passes; DREAMers Continue in Limbo

Tuesday, March 5, was the date that President Trump set for the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program to expire. DACA, however, did not expire. In fact, nothing happened in regards to DACA at all, and it remains on borrowed time.

Many Republicans, as well as Donald Trump himself, place blame on Democrats. “DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military,” he tweeted in January.

We should not forget, however, that it was President Trump who created the situation that DACA is now in, by overturning DACA and setting the March 5 deadline for DACA to expire. The follow-up by Congress has been inaction, due to a large split on how to proceed. Many Republicans refuse to address the DACA issue separately from the issue of a border wall.

Temporary Reprieve, but Time is Running Out

For the immediate future, most DACA recipients (often referred to as DREAMers), have a temporary reprieve. Following Trump’s shutdown of DACA, Judge William Alsup, a Federal judge in California, ruled that the Trump administration had used a flawed legal argument to do so. Alsup ordered the Department of Homeland Security to restart DACA, and to continue to process DACA renewals for program recipients.

The Trump Administration appealed the ruling, going directly to the Supreme Court instead of following the normal protocol of appealing to the Circuit Court of Appeals in California. The Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal, advising the Department of Justice to follow the regular process of appeals.

DACA Remains in Place, but DREAMers Still at Risk

 The Supreme Court ruling keeps DACA in place for at least six more months. For most of the nearly 700,000 DREAMers, this means that their DACA protections remain for now. Still, with lawmakers taking additional time to agree on a permanent solution, all DREAMers are in a perilous limbo.

At least 10,000 DACA recipients have filed for renewals of their status. As a result of the stop and restart of DACA, however, Washington has a considerable backlog of renewal applications to process. Some DREAMers’ status has expired as they await processing, and this means that, even though they’ve followed the rules, they’re currently without their deportation protections.

The fact that DACA recipients have adhered to protocol may not matter to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent. This week in northern California, agents rounded up 232 people in an ICE raid. And ICE is not just pursuing undocumented immigrants with criminal convictions; it is also going after innocent undocumented immigrants, even if they’re DREAMers.

With other issues now figuring more significantly in the 2018 midterm elections, Congress will likely put off dealing with DACA again. This means that eventually, DREAMers, many of whom have chosen professions such as teaching, or who have volunteered to serve in the American armed forces, will lose their status and ability to work legally in the U.S. – and the freedom and ability granted by DACA to be valuable, legitimate contributors to the society that has formed the only place they know as “home.”

With DACA Protections Still in Place, Recipients in Limbo | PBS News Hour [2018-03-03]

White House on Supreme Court’s Refusal to Hear DACA Appeal  | Fox News [2018-02-26]