* Erik’s Editorial: The Guilty Parties Who Put American Democracy At Risk In The Name Of Donald Trump

US White House upside down (public domain).

I do not fault stupid people for making the stupid decision to elect Donald Trump in 2016.

I do fault smart people for making stupid decisions. These include:

1. Senators who voted to acquit Donald Trump in his no-witnesses-allowed impeachment trial, including primarily Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell:

* Impeachment of Donald Trump (2020-02-05)

* Mitch McConnell (2020-02-05)

2. Members of the GOP who voted to disenfranchise voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – before, during, and AFTER the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol – including Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jody Hice (R–GA-10), Mo Brooks (R–AL-05), Scott Perry (R–PA-10), Josh Hawley (R–MO), and Louie Gohmert (R–TX-01).

* 2021 Storming Of The United States Capitol (2021-01-06)

* 2020 United States Presidential Election Electoral College Count (2021-01-06 – 2021-01-07)

3. Donald Trump’s cabinet, who could have invoked the 25th Amendment to remove POTUS at any time:

* Cabinet Of Donald Trump (2017-01-21 – PRESENT)

4. Social media, including especially Facebook and Twitter, for allowing their social networks to be used as platforms for hate speech.

* Donald Trump On Social Media (2017-01-21 – PRESENT)

5. Mainstream media, including especially CNN (on the left) and Fox News (on the right) for not doing their jobs – asking questions until they get answers – and allowing POTUS to lie unchecked.

* Veracity Of Statements By Donald Trump (2017-01-21 – PRESENT)

6. Lawmakers at all levels, for failing to fix bad laws and for failing to enact good laws. Changes that must be made going forward include:

Limiting POTUS power:

  • Executive order power must be limited.
  • All cabinet members (acting/interim/actual) must be confirmed by Senate.
  • Treaties and tariffs must be the role of Congress so that POTUS cannot engage in trade wars.
  • War Powers Act must be updated to limit POTUS power to deploy the military.
  • Special Counsel Act must be updated to make clear that POTUS cannot fire special counsel.

Writing better and new laws:

  • Impeachment Act of 2021, to define how impeachment is conducted, including the requirement to have witnesses.
  • Follow the lead of The Restatements Of The Law project (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restatements_of_the_Law) and codify major SCOTUS cases, including especially Roe v. Wade.
  • Fix the Census.
  • Fix immigration.
  • Fix SCOTUS processes, such as limiting appointments to 2 per POTUS with the number of SCOTUS justices fixed at the number of Federal Circuits (currently 13).
  • Election reform, including who is qualified to run for POTUS and that tax forms must be disclosed to do so.

Just to name a few.

Stupid people, bad laws, and lies got us into this mess.

Smart people, good laws, and the truth can get us out of this mess.



Two Reasons Why the Kavanaugh Vote Should Be Delayed

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault, just before a vote for his confirmation was to take place on Thursday, September 20. In their haste to confirm a Supreme Court justice who would support their agenda, however, most Republican federal lawmakers are willing to diminish the gravity of the accusations against Kavanaugh. After all, having Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court would create a conservative majority on the court – a Republican dream come true.

Democrats, a few key Republicans, and even White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway, want to give Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, a chance to be heard before a vote is cast for Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation. Among the Republican Senators who oppose an immediate vote are Lindsey Graham of North Carolina, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Susan Collins of Maine.

Besides the obvious and grave importance of taking allegations of sexual assault seriously and giving both sides a chance to be heard in court, there are several other reasons why it’s important to delay the vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination until both Ford and Kavanaugh testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

First is the attention the #MeToo movement has brought to sexual assault and sexual misconduct by powerful men (and how they’ve gotten away with it in the past). If Republicans were to ignore or downplay the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, it would surely cost them votes in the November elections.

As CNN’s Stephen Collinson writes, “The spectacle of white, middle-aged or elderly men on the GOP bench voting to confirm Kavanaugh in the committee could prove a damaging image in districts that could turn on a younger, more diverse electorate.”

Second, a Supreme Court Justice appointment is for life – it’s not the same as a summer job at the Dairy Queen. An ice cream stand employee may be hired quickly, likely won’t undergo an extensive background check, and can be fired at will. Dairy Queen can afford to take a chance on the employee.

The U.S. cannot afford to take such a chance on an employee who is appointed for life. A Supreme Court justice can have a huge impact on the direction of our country. That impact can last indefinitely, as could his or her position on the Supreme Court. Thorough scrutiny is imperative, and more so in the face of allegations  of wrongdoing.

Failure to thoroughly vet Brett Kavanaugh in favor of quickly pushing him through the appointment process could backfire for Republicans. Trying to force their agenda by downplaying the accusations against him could be a short-term win for the Republicans, but could cost them votes in November. It may cost them votes, even at this point, however, if they continue to speak out against allowing Kavanaugh’s accuser to share her story.

New Kavanaugh hearing to address allegations | Fox Business [2018-09-17]

Full Duckworth: Senate Has To ‘Set An Example’ By Taking Kavanaugh Allegations | MTP Daily | MSNBC  [2018-09-17]