El Paso Mass Shooting: Motivated by Anti-Hispanic Sentiment?

On Saturday, August 3, a mass shooting occurred at an El Paso, Texas, mall, about five miles from the main border checkpoint with Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. A gunman shot and killed 22 people and injured dozens of others. Nine of the at least 22 who were hospitalized were in critical condition as of Monday morning. One of them is only four years old.

The suspect, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, is in police custody. Investigators are pursuing criminal and civil rights hate crime investigations and seeking “domestic terrorism” charges against Crusius. 

According to authorities, Crusius allegedly posted a document titled The Inconvenient Truth to several websites shortly before the shooting. The document is an anti-immigrant screed that denounces the growing Hispanic population in Texas, and cites that as the reason for the mass shooting. The document also expresses support for the shooter who opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 15, killing 51 people. 

“In general,” wrote Crusius, “I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” 

Some American Hispanic leaders are saying that Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric is at least partly to blame for the violence against immigrants, and for this incident. 

Rep. Joaquin Castro, who represents San Antonio, and is chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said, “The President has put a target on the back of the Hispanic community for years now, and there’s a cost to that kind of dangerous and racially divisive rhetoric. …If you look at the shooter‘s manifesto, it’s consistent with the language that President Trump has used to describe Hispanic immigrants as being part of an invasion of the United States.”

It is almost as horrifying to hear a few of the various responses from Trump supporters who seem like ordinary, “harmless” citizens. While not exactly supporting the mass shooting themselves, some seem to make an excuse for it.

“People are angry,” said one. “They’re tired of people coming over our border and bringing crime and disease.” As if the border situation were worse than a mass shooting. As if it justified a mass shooting. As if it were even true.

El Paso shooting: Several killed as gunman opens fire in Texas Walmart
The Telegraph | [2019-08-04]

Death toll from El Paso mass shooting rises to 22
Fox News | [2019-08-05]

DNI Dan Coats Departs, Emperor Continues without Clothes

Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), will leave the Trump administration on August 15. Coats is one of the last remaining original members of President Trump’s national security team. The news of Dan Coats’ departure was, not surprisingly, delivered by Trump via tweet, along with Trump’s announcement that he would be nominating Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) to replace Coats. 

Dan Coats is known for his low-key, behind-the-scenes approach. He hasn’t spoken out much in public, but when he has, his comments have often been bluntly at odds with Trump. 

In a 2018 summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, for example, Trump cast doubt on whether Russia had interfered in the 2016 presidential election, in effect saying that Putin had said Russia hadn’t interfered, and that Trump believed him.

In response, Dan Coats issued this statement on behalf of the U.S. intelligence community: 

“We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security.”

At a Senate hearing, Dan Coats also contradicted Trump’s proclamation that the Islamic State had been completely defeated. 

“While we have defeated the caliphate, with a couple of little villages left, we should not underestimate the ability of terrorist groups, particularly ISIS,” said Coats.

Vince Houghton, historian at the International Spy Museum, said about Coats, “He’s been someone who is willing to tell the truth, even if the main consumer, and that’s the president of the United States, does not like what he has to hear.”

Coats has also advocated stronger election security, saying that it should be a top U.S. priority. As one of his last actions in his current role, Coats named Shelby Pierson, a longtime intelligence community veteran, to serve in a newly created position as the overall head of election security efforts. At around the same time, coincidentally or not, Mitch McConnell blocked proposed legislation for additional funding for election security. 

While Dan Coats has frequently contradicted Trump and his pronouncements, John Ratcliffe, Dan Coats’ expected replacement, has received praise from Trump for, among other things, admonishing special counsel Robert Mueller during Mueller’s testimony in the House Judiciary Committee hearing regarding Mueller’s findings in his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.  

Many of those who support Donald Trump have said they do so because Trump “says what he means, and means what he says.” That is not the same as having integrity or telling the truth. One has to wonder if Dan Coats’ pursuit of integrity over his willingness to “back up” whatever utterances Trump has put forth, are at least one of the reasons for his departure. One also has to think, then, about the implications of being governed by a U.S. president who would dismiss those who disagree with him, even when national security may be at stake. 

As Rep. Don Beyer put it, “(Dan Coats) was a widely respected and trusted by everyone on both sides as a man of integrity. But Trump doesn’t want integrity, he wants people who will tell him what he wants to hear and intel leaders who will agree that 2+2=5.” 

Dan Coats refused to pretend that the Emperor was wearing clothes. 

Trump replaces US intelligence chief Dan Coats | Al Jazeera

DNI Dan Coats to step down, Texas Republican John Ratcliffe to replace | Fox News  [2019-07-28]