* Spicer’s Leak Crackdown Leaks (and Obama Blamed), George W. Bush Criticizes Trump, Father of Deceased Navy SEAL Demands Investigation into Botched Yemen Mission (2017-02-28)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. ‘Swirling Paranoia’ Takes Over The White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC (2017-02-27)


MSNBC – “The White House is working to crack down on leaks coming out of the White House, with WH press Secretary Spicer requiring staffers to dump their phones ahead of a meeting, according to a report.”

1. Glenn Beck Radio Show – 2/28/17 Obama behind leaks from Trump’s White House Podcast (2017-02-28)


Glenn Beck Radio Program – “Glenn discusses his moving trip to Thailand …Defending America’s honor with $5.00 …Saving lives through OURRescue.org …Harsh images from Thailand…Palace intrigue at The White House …Obama behind leaks from Trump’s White House …George W. Bush going after Donald Trump more than he ever went after Barack Obama!! …Pat’s audio vault: High speed internet for all! …First world problems compared to what’s happening in the rest of the world …What to expect from President Trump’s speech tonight…NPR’s Krista Tippett explains where the left and right can come together …Our planet is like a teenage brain …Catastrophizing …5 things we need in order to live a grounded life …Tolerance has not taught us to be curious …Courage is no longer rewarded.”

2. George W. Bush On President Trump, Putin, Religious Freedom, Immigration (Exclusive) | TODAY (2017-02-27)


TODAY – “The new book ‘Portraits of Courage’ combines former President George W. Bush’s appreciation for the sacrifices of our veterans with his love of painting. Bush discusses his inspiration for the book with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, and highlights the differences in the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency with his own time in office, including his thoughts on Putin, the need for a free press, the impact of religious freedom on politics and more.”

2. #FOXFaceoff – Pres. George W. Bush addresses Pres. Trump (2017-02-27)


Fox 26 Houston – “AM 740 KTRH Newsradio show host Matt Patrick and community activist Quanell X.”

3. Fallen Navy SEAL Ryan Owen’s Father: ‘Don’t Hide Behind My Son’s Death’ | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC (2017-02-27)


MSNBC – “Miami Herald reporter Julie Brown joins to discuss growing calls for an investigation into the death of Navy SEAL William ‘Ryan; Owens during an operation in Yemen in January.”

3. Father of slain US Navy SEAL calling for full investigation (2017-02-27)


Fox News – “Father refuses to meet with President Trump, demanding full investigation into Yemen raid.”

* Trump Bans BBC, BuzzFeed, CNN, Politico, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, and The New York Times from Press Briefing; The Associated Press and TIME Boycott Closed Briefing (2017-02-25)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. Trump BANS Top Media Outlets (2017-02-24)


The Young Turks – “Donald Trump just banned some of the most respected news agencies from a White House press briefing. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and Michael Brooks, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you who was banned.”

1. Gingrich: President Trump is in a ‘real war’ with media (2017-02-24)


Fox News – “Former House speaker backs the president’s attacks on the press on ‘Your World.'”

2. CNN, The New York Times, Other Media Outlets Blocked From White House Press Briefing | MSNBC (2017-02-24)


MSNBC – “NBC News’ Hallie Jackson explains the latest events regarding the White House preventing particular news outlets from entering the room.”

2. White House handpicks media outlets to attend gaggle (2017-02-24)


Fox News – “Reaction from the ‘Special Report’ All-Star panel.”

3. Tapper: The White House does not want accountability (2017-02-24)


CNN – “CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses how CNN and other news outlets were blocked from an off-camera White House press briefing, raising alarm among media organizations and First Amendment watchdogs.”

3. White House vs. media: Outlets excluded from press gaggle (2017-02-24)


Fox News – “Chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports from Washington.”