Editorial: Coronavirus Herd Immunity is a Long Way Off, but ‘Herd Mentality’ Has Been Achieved

Donald Trump, during Tuesday’s ABC News Town Hall, cited “herd mentality” as he attempted to explain how he expects that the coronavirus will “disappear.” Trump probably meant to say, “herd immunity,” but “herd mentality” is an accurate description of what’s happening among Trump’s base as they unquestioningly follow his example of ignoring and downplaying the coronavirus.

When ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, who hosted the Town Hall, asked Trump if the coronavirus “would go away without the vaccine,” Trump responded, “Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time it goes away –”

“–And many deaths,”interjected Stephanopoulos.

“And you’ll develop, you’ll develop herd— like a herd mentality. It’s going to be— it’s going to be herd developed… and that’s going to happen. That will all happen,” said Trump.

Trump’s presumptuous commentary on a public health topic he knows nothing about has cost 200,000 American lives, and will cost many more. As long as Trump’s base buys his self-proclaimed authority on the subject, however, they will justify his— and consequently, their— non-action toward the virus.

Herd immunity is the theory that when a high percentage of the population is infected with the virus, they will develop a high rate of immunity among the general population, limiting the virus’ ability to spread, and eventually eradicating the virus. But in order for herd immunity to occur, 60 to 80 percent of the population would need to have antibodies to the virus. In order for this to take place, millions (not thousands) of Americans would have to die in the meantime.

Herd mentality, on the other hand, has already been achieved among the population of Trump’s base. Praising Trump for the “great job” he is doing at managing the spread of the virus, they disregard and even scorn the large body of evidence to the contrary. They follow Trump’s example of ignoring science and embracing a politicized approach to the coronavirus that puts them in danger, and identifies them as part of Trump’s herd.

Without fact-checking, they parrot memes and social media postings that provide defective “science” disputing the need to follow public health guidelines. They embrace conspiracy theories that the entire world is in on a plot to use the coronavirus pandemic to bring down Donald Trump. They cite half-truths and faulty “statistics” to show that the coronavirus isn’t as serious or deadly as the flu. And over and over, encouraged by their leader, Donald Trump, they crowd together, maskless, in large gatherings, including indoor rallies for their leader, himself.

Maybe Donald Trump’s “herd mentality” wasn’t the slip of the tongue we thought it was. He has certainly given evidence that, for some bizarre reason, he’d like for his “herd” to continue to follow the party line and place themselves in danger out of obeisance to him. He has clearly set up conditions where flouting public health guidelines and scoffing at mask-wearing and social distancing are seen as signs of loyalty to the party of Trump. What MAGA in his right mind would dare be caught, at the very least, not questioning the validity of the coronavirus? Trump doesn’t appear as concerned with the safety of his base as he is with a show of adherence to base-speak.

“If I die, I die,” said one Trump supporter at a recent packed Trump rally, when asked why he wasn’t wearing a mask. Like  many other MAGAs, he appears to be willing to give up his life for, well, for what, really? The MAGAs will likely say that their cause is “freedom,” and that they are “patriots,” but how is it that a worthy “patriotic cause for freedom” involves endangering not only one’s own life in the name of a foolish choice, but also endangering the lives of countless innocent others, and robbing them of a choice?

The possibility of a vaccination against COVID-19 is becoming closer to reality, though health experts say that it may not be available to the general public till the end of 2021. In the meantime, Donald Trump’s base has picked up on the idea of herd immunity to justify ignoring pubic health guidelines and “living their lives,” despite the number of lives that will be lost to the coronavirus as a result. Yes, we’re a long way from herd immunity, but a segment of the population has achieved herd mentality.

Kayleigh McEnany: Trump was using a ‘medical term’ when he said ‘herd mentality’ will defeat virus | Raw Story [2020-09-16]

Trump Claims “Herd Mentality” Will Protect Against Coronavirus |
Late Night with Seth Meyers [2020-09-16]

Editorial – Trump’s Authoritarian Aspiration: To Stay in Office Beyond the Next Four Years

When Donald Trump once again brought up the notion of occupying the Oval Office beyond the next four years, the crowd at his Saturday rally in Minden, Nevada, cheered. The party of Trump, who claims to want “small government” and believes it is entitled to numerous freedoms, real and imagined, showed great enthusiasm for another one of their president’s authoritarian ideas.

“Fifty-two days from now, we’re going to win Nevada, and we’re going to win four more years in the White House,” Trump said. “And then, after that, we’ll negotiate, right? Because we’re probably — based on the way we were treated — we’re probably entitled to another four after that.”

Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of remaining in office past the legally allowed term, should he win the 2020 election. In 2018, he praised Xi Jinping for doing away with term limits, and joked that he might look into doing the same thing.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” said Trump. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.”

Has the continual cognitive dissonance caused Trump’s base to lose their hearing altogether? They fear “socialism” (which many of them conflate with Communism and confuse with dictatorship), yet they are fine with Trump’s admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin, North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, and Chinese president Xi Jinping. They chant, “Lock her up!” When Hillary Clinton’s name is mentioned, yet they ignore Trump’s many personal alliances with corrupt people, and his pardons of friends who have been convicted of crimes. They wave their flags and signs and shout “liberty!” Yet they are fine with Trump’s efforts to tamper with the 2020 election. They love the idea of a military parade in Trump’s honor, yet they were silent when he disparaged the military and called soldiers “suckers” and “losers.”

Trump has talked about defying the Constitution and extending his presidency so many times that it can no longer be taken lightly.

In June of 2019, Trump tweeted that his supporters might “demand that I stay longer,” meaning, beyond the next term should he win re-election.

More recently, in April of 2019, at a Wounded Warrior Project event, Trump told the crowd that he might remain in the White House “at least for 10 or 14 years.”

And at an August rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Trump said, “We are going to win four more years. And then after that, we’ll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.”

The crowd, in their lack of understanding of the U.S. Constitution, cheered.

The 22nd amendment of the Constitution, as Americans have been taught since elementary school, limits presidents to serving two terms, and does not allow for a “redo” if a president feels something was “not fair.” This is to prevent just such a scenario that Trump has proposed: That a U.S. president’s power not be held in check.

Nevertheless, their president is special to them. As Trump’s base have demonstrated repeatedly, they feel that he transcends the limits of U.S. law, the system of checks and balances, and possibly even Divine authority.

Donald Trump is slowly pulling the rug out from under them, and they either don’t notice, or they don’t care. Many of those outside of Trump’s base have observed that Trump’s base doesn’t care what vile or unethical things he says and does, primarily because he plays to their hatred of liberals. Trump fuels their fears, brings out their anger, and tells them that they are superior, and they love it. He knows that in exchange for that, they will be steadfastly loyal. They will be willing, in the most literal sense, as evidenced by their continued flouting of health guidelines as they crowd together, sans mask, at Trump’s political rallies, to die for him.

They tremble in fear at the notion of chaos, violence, and the loss of freedoms in “Biden’s America.” Yet, the party that claims to hold sacred the idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is just fine with a president who has made clear his aspirations to be an authoritarian leader who would (and already has, to some extent) trample on those very ideals.

President Trump will seek a ‘third term in office after Nov win’ |
The Sun [2020-09-14]

We are going to win Four More Years, after that we’ll negotiate for a few more | OAN (One America News) [2020-09-12]