* Trump voters explain their unshakable faith (2016-09-11)

CBS Sunday Morning – “What motivates the Republican presidential candidate’s most loyal supporters? Seen as a loose cannon by many, Donald Trump has positioned himself as the voice of a part of America that’s given up on politics and the two major political parties. They are backing the real estate tycoon/reality TV star on faith, as if buying a political lottery ticket. Major Garrett introduces us to some Trump voters speaking from their hearts.”

* Two Americas | Donald J. Trump for President (2016-08-24)

* Two Americas | Donald J. Trump for President (2016-08-24)


Donald J. Trump for President – “We must protect our borders and it’s more than just security, although that’s a HUGE part of it, it’s also about making America First. I’m so sick of illegal immigrants taking benefits away from Americans! As President, you will ALWAYS be first and I will make sure our borders are secure and Make America Safe Again!”