* Trump’s Solo Presser, Normalizing ‘Trump Being Trump,’ Shooting The (Flynn) Messengers, Anti-Semitism (2017-02-17)

Top 6 Videos

Liberal, Nonprofit, and Uncategorized


1. Trump’s First Solo Press Conference as President: A Closer Look (2017-02-16)


Late Night with Seth Meyers – “Seth takes a closer look at Trump’s press conference full of false claims, grievances and attacks on the media.”

1. Bret Baier: Press conference was ‘Trump being Trump’ (2017-02-16)


Fox News – “‘Special Report’ host reacts to the president’s remarks to reporters.”

2. Massive Purge Of Intel Community, Leakers Possible After Mike Flynn Situation | Morning Joe | MSNBC (2017-02-16)


MSNBC – “Top Talkers: When it comes to the Trump administration’s contacts with Russia, is there still more to come following Flynn’s resignation? The Morning Joe panel discusses.”

2. Will Trump take action against the intelligence community? (2017-02-15)


Fox Business – “John Hart, former senior aide to Senator Coburn, and Erick Erickson, editor of The Resurgent, on how President Trump will deal with the intelligence community.”

3. Trump Keeps Getting Anti-Semitism Questions, Keeps Giving Horrible Answers (2017-02-16)


The Young Turks – “Trump was asked about anti-semitism for the second day in a row. His answer was nonsense. Again. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.”

3. Inside Trump’s heated press conference (2017-02-16)


Fox News – “Ami Magazine’s Jake Turx and NPR’s Mara Liasson, two reporters called on by the president, reflect on Trump’s controversial press conference.”

* Erik’s Editorial: Clocktower Law Announces 50% Discount For Muslims, Immigrants, and Others Marginalized by the Trump Administration, Trump is not the “law and order” POTUS, Trump is the “lawless and disorder” POTUS (2017-02-14)

1. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101127616743808

Happy Valentine’s Day from Clocktower Law:

* Clocktower Law Announces 50% Discount For Muslims, Immigrants, and Others (2017-02-14)
Nonprofit discount extended to any group marginalized by the Trump administration.

2. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101127831952528

The law(less) and (dis)order POTUS.