Editorial: Trump’s Coronavirus Smoke Screen: “No Finger-Pointing”

As the coronavirus continues to ravage the U.S., Donald Trump and his sycophants admonish, “no finger-pointing.” Pleas from governors for resources, questions from journalists about statistics, dissent from health experts about treatments and precautions against the virus—Trump and his supporters avoid meaningful responses to any of those, and instead label them as “partisan finger-pointing.”
Family therapists know this ploy well. It’s the old scenario where the bad actor tries to deflect from his bad behavior by reframing the other’s response to it as the actual bad behavior.
Donald Trump has not only shown his inability and unwillingness to take responsibility for his mistakes and failures, but also—despite wanting to be seen as leader—for trying to prevent them. He has demonstrated his uncanny knack for gaslighting his way out of any culpability for a crisis so that his base perceive it as the fault of the opponent. Anyone who calls attention to one of Trump’s disasters by simply asking a question or presenting a fact, is pejoratively labeled a “finger pointer.” To his base, this excuses Trump from justifying or explaining himself.
“No finger-pointing” is often little more than an attempt to deflect blame or responsibility by implying that the “finger pointer” is petty, is against finding a solution, and is part of the problem.
The coronavirus itself is not Donald Trump’s fault, but we can certainly do a good deal of justified finger-pointing straight at Donald J. Trump for how it has played out here in the U.S. It is he who has shown himself to be against finding a real solution; it is he who has exacerbated the problem.
We can point the finger at Donald Trump for his downplaying of the virus, and his message to his base that it was a hoax. For 10 weeks, Trump disregarded the seriousness of the situation, calling it a flu that would “miraculously” disappear on its own with the warmer weather.
Consequently, even amid the ubiquitous reports of COVID-19 deaths, the footage of overcrowded hospital emergency rooms, and the daily statistics of new cases, some Trump supporters still refuse to believe that the coronavirus and the decimation it has caused are little more than “fake news.” Insisting on “living their lives” and refusing to take social distancing measures, they have without question been responsible for at least some of the spread. As of April 23, there were 826,936 confirmed cases in the U.S. Just two months ago, on February 22, there were 15 cases.
Had Donald Trump insisted from the beginning that his base take the crisis seriously and observe precautions, there is no doubt they would have unquestioningly obeyed. One can only wonder at the great impact the words of their leader could have had on slowing the overall spread. The finger points directly at Donald Trump.

Trump’s culpability in this crisis began long before we had heard of COVID-19. In 2018, he disbanded The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit (the pandemic response team formed by president Barack Obama) that was responsible for pandemic preparedness. Though some members of the team were reassigned, this dismantling of the team left the U.S. unprepared for a pandemic. Trump also “streamlined” our ability to respond to a health crisis by allowing maintenance contracts to lapse on crucial equipment such as ventilators, and by failing to maintain and store sufficient supplies such as personal protective equipment (PPE).

While he failed to act for that 10 weeks, did that cross his conscience? Was he hoping no one would notice? A leader with integrity might acknowledge that this was a huge mistake, quickly act to correct it, and go forward as best he or she could. At worst, a different leader might try to justify it, yet still do what he/she should to pick up the remaining pieces and act.

But Trump has shown us a new “worst.” Instead of responding to the quickly spreading virus, he pretended that none of it was happening until it was too late. He continues to discredit the warnings and advice of public health experts, and dismisses scientific data. The finger can point nowhere but to Donald Trump.

When it became clear that he could no longer avoid the crisis caused by the spread of the disease, he did little else but cast blame. Despite his administration’s own admonition against finger-pointing, he blamed his predecessor, Obama, for the federal government’s lack of pandemic preparedness, though, even if true, Trump has had three years to correct it. He blamed the states’ governors for needing too much from him. He blamed China because “they started it.” He blamed the Democrats, because, you know…Democrats.

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump on March 13, regarding the exponential spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.

And yet, when this is all over, if it is ever really over, Donald Trump will take responsibility for any scrap of perceived success or victory. In fact, he’ll hyperbolize it. We can expect him to again cite his “closing off the U.S. to China” as the one thing that prevented more deaths in the U.S. (He has already said it could have been “billions” of deaths out of our population of 330 million). He continually cites that one move because that is the only move he can claim.

In the absence of Donald Trump’s leadership, governors and other leaders have assumed responsibility for the well-being of their constituents, and have voiced their willingness to shoulder blame should their decisions have backlash. It’s notable, too, that these leaders have been quick to praise and give credit to many others’ responses to the pandemic.

Placing blame will not move us successfully through the COVID-19 pandemic. It does, however, make clear the trajectory our country took toward its current position as global leader in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases while lagging behind other countries in our pandemic response. The Trump administration’s “no finger-pointing” is a desperate attempt at making us forget that.

Fact-check: A timeline of how President Trump responded to the coronavirus | WGN [2020-04-05]

Donald Trump: criticism of coronavirus response is ‘political’ |
The Telegraph [2020-04-21]

Editorial: States’ Rights, or Trump’s “Total Authority,” Which Is It, Base?

States’ rights, or the president’s total authority over the states? Such a confusing choice for a Trump supporter. Traditionally, Republicans have loudly trumpeted “smaller government” and the rights of states to govern themselves in many matters, such as how they will legislate public assistance. But now, since Monday’s exceptionally unhinged Coronavirus Task Force briefing when Donald Trump stated that as president of the United States, he had full authority over the states, some Republicans will have to choose between their stance on states’ rights and their loyalty to Donald Trump.
Trump has talked about opening the country back up “very soon, maybe even before May 1.” Many governors, however, along with the country’s top public health experts, feel that May 1 is premature. Out of the desire to protect their constituents, these governors have taken it upon themselves to form regional coalitions to work around Trump and make their own decisions about how and when it’s safe to reopen the states.
When a reporter asked Trump to comment on this, Trump said, “When somebody’s president of the United States, the authority is total…That’s the way it’s got to to be. It’s total. It’s total. And the governors know that,” said Trump, further proclaiming that states “can’t do anything without the approval of the president.”
Vice President Mike Pence, when asked about the president’s claim, appeared to agree with it, saying he “support[s] the president’s leadership.”
In Ohio, Republican state Senate candidate Melissa Ackison said she agrees with Trump that as president, he has authority over the state governors regarding when to “open up the country” and lift restrictions on the economy.
As one of approximately 100 protesters against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s handling of the coronavirus shutdown, Ackison said, “In a time where full-on unconstitutional tyranny is on display, the president is doing exactly what the patriots elected him to do, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he would flex his muscle and authority to save Ohio from unprecedented overreach.
“Patriots who love and respect our liberties and the Constitution are sick and tired of the fear-mongering while the governor and (state Health Director) Dr. (Amy) Acton continue to hide the numbers from the public.”
Governor DeWine has been nationally lauded for his early and aggressive response to the coronavirus pandemic. Not waiting on the federal government for direction, DeWine was the first governor to close down all state schools. He also took a number of other dramatic early measures, including closing bars, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses.
It’s ironic that Ackison should use the word “tyranny” to refer to DeWine’s protective actions, but not to Trump’s presumption of total authority over DeWine. It’s backwards that Ackison should evoke the Constitution in this context, since, as a number of constitutional scholars have been quick to point out, the Constitution does not give the president authority over the governors in this matter.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” says the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
Incidentally, as they consider whether to vote for Melissa Ackison to represent them, Ohioans in District 26 would be wise to take note: It never turns out well to elect a politician who knows nothing about the Constitution.
On Tuesday, Trump was forced to walk back his declaration of total authority over the states, perhaps because someone pointed out that he had been wrong. He didn’t exactly retract his statement, though. Instead, he announced that he would give the states the authority to open up again. The following day, however, Trump had returned to his stance that he is indeed the one who “calls the shots” when it comes to the states.
Given that Trump thinks he does have this total authority, it should also be considered that as the Coronavirus pandemic ramped up in the U.S. and globally, state governors were pleading for help from the federal government for resources and equipment, including such items as personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators.
“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — Try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself, was Trumps response.
During another briefing, Trump said, “Federal government’s not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping. We’re not a shipping clerk. Whatever the states can get, they should be getting…”
But as self-declared Supreme Leader, Trump wasn’t backing the states as they were forced to fend for themselves on the global market, the local markets, and even sometimes on eBay, bidding against each other for supplies and equipment.
The Trump administration not only downplayed many states’ dire shortages, but frequently outbid them in the marketplace and even reportedly seized some states’ shipments, keeping them for the national stockpile, which, according to the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, “was supposed to be our stockpile, not the states’.
Though Trump likes to declare himself the all-powerful leader who is protected by the Constitution to do anything he wants, he only assumes the portion of the king’s role that has to do with absolute authority. With authority, however, comes responsibility. Though Trump likes to take credit (even when it’s not his due) for things that go well, he has consistently refused to take responsibility for his failures. He has also consistently refused to take responsibility for the protection and well-being of his constituents.
It seems perfectly fine to his unwavering base that Donald Trump should have the last word concerning state government. At the same time, it seems perfectly essential to them that the federal government should keep its hands off state government — except in matters that are important to Trump’s base.
Most Republicans are in fact appalled at Donald Trump’s recent declaration of total authority over the states, but they have remained silent. Those such as Ohio’s Ackison, however, will sooner or later have to choose between states’ rights—the smaller federal government they claim to be passionate about—and their willingness to be governed by a small man.

Trump puts onus on states amid coronavirus pandemic |
Washington Post [2020-04-10]

Coronavirus: President Trump, Governors Clash Over Authority To Reopen U.S. | NBC Nightly News [2020-04-14]