GOP Lawmakers: Corrupt, or Cowed?

As Donald Trump continues to build an ever-expanding morass of lies and misrepresentations; and as he continues to name-call, bully, and hurl veiled threats at those who oppose (or hint at opposing) him, GOP lawmakers, along with Trump’s base, seem to support him with increasing and inexplicable fervor. Even in the face of an impeachment inquiry, as evidence of Trump’s abuse of office mounts and witness testimony corroborates the original whistleblower’s story, Donald Trump insists that he did nothing wrong, and Republican lawmakers, even with nothing to support their stance, back him up, disparaging anyone who disagrees. 

One can only conclude that either the GOP lawmakers are just as corrupt as their leader, or, that they have found themselves in a position that makes them nervous about their own future if they don’t pay full allegiance to Trump. 

It’s too painful to imagine that every last one of our Republican lawmakers is thoroughly corrupt, and only slightly less painful to imagine that this scenario is closer to the truth for many of them:

The rest of the world: Why do you stay with him? He’s lied, he’s cheated, he bullies you, he’s hit you more than once…..

GOP Lawmakers: None of that is true! Everything’s fine. It’s great.

The rest of the world: What are those bruises?

GOP Lawmakers: Oh, that was a misunderstanding. I shouldn’t have provoked him. Things are fine now.

The Rest of the world: You need to leave him.

GOP Lawmakers: But I need him! He just gets mad sometimes, that’s all. But when things are good, they’re really, really good.

The rest of the world: But don’t you see? He’s isolated you and the kids.

GOP Lawmakers: It doesn’t matter. He’s all we need.

The rest of the world: What about the example to the kids?

GOP Lawmakers: What do you mean? He’s a great example. Things are fine. Really. Trust me.

The rest of the world: Why do you keep defending him? Please leave him. You do owe it to yourself and the kids.

GOP Lawmakers: He didn’t mean it. Things are a little rough right now, but he’ll come through. He said he would. You don’t know him like I do.

The rest of the world: We can’t support this relationship. We’re here for you, but please don’t wait until it’s too late…

GOP Lawmakers: But I’m afraid. Where would I go? How would I support myself? What if I can’t make it on my own? ………. Oh, Just forget what I siad. I really shouldn’t be talking about him that way, he’s actually a really good guy. He just gets mad sometimes. He needs me. I need him. Really, I shouldn’t say bad things about him. Things are fine. They’re great. Really.

Top GOP lawmakers speak after House passes impeachment inquiry resolution | Fox News [2019-10-31]

Under pressure to defend Trump, GOP lawmakers decry House impeachment inquiry | PBS NewsHour [2019-10-24]

Texas v. Azar: The End of the Affordable Care Act?

The attempts by Trump and his ilk to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”) continue, even as they are overshadowed by Congress’ impeachment inquiry. The next imminent threat to the Affordable Care Act may occur at some point in October, as judges in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rule on the Texas v. Azar lawsuit, argued in July.

Destroying the ACA was a hallmark and battle cry of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. On the day of Trump’s swearing in, he immediately signed an executive order “to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay” portions of the Affordable Care Act. 

On December 15, 2018, a Texas federal district court judge found that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which nullified the tax penalties associated with the individual mandate portion of the ACA, rendered the individual mandate unconstitutional. Consequently, since the individual mandate is an “essential” part of the ACA, the entire ACA was unconstitutional, the judge ruled.

The state of Texas, along with the other plaintiffs, argued that with the tax penalty removed, the zero dollar fine now outlined in the ACA is a “naked, penalty-free command to buy insurance,” explains Nicholas Bagley, professor of law at the University of Michigan.

“…Congress doesn’t have the power to adopt a freestanding mandate,” he says. “It just has the power to impose a tax.”

Therefore, plaintiffs argued, “The naked mandate that remains in the Affordable Care Act must be unconstitutional.”

The fact that only two of the three judges in the case (both Republican-appointed) asked any questions when hearing the case in July is thought to bode poorly for the future of the Affordable Care Act. 

“I think we should be prepared for the worst — the invalidation of all or a significant part of the Affordable Care Act,” says Bagley.

If this is true, it doesn’t mean that the ACA will be immediately invalid. It is still the law. 

However, says Sabrina Corlette, director of the Center on Health Insurance Reforms at Georgetown University, “If that decision comes out before or during open enrollment (November 1 through December 15), it could lead to a lot of consumer confusion about the security of their coverage and may actually discourage people from enrolling, which I think would be a bad thing.”

The case will almost certainly go to the Supreme Court if the 5th Circuit Court declares the Affordable Care Act invalid, however. 

Here are some  other ways the Trump administration has hacked away at the Affordable Care Act:

  • Ending cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurersThese federal payments to insurers were meant to motivate insurers to participate in the ACA insurance exchanges, and help keep premiums down. The Trump administration abruptly stopped paying these in 2017. 
  • Allowing states to add “work requirements” to Medicaid. The ACA expanded Medicaid so that more individuals and families were eligible. Under Trump’s new rules, states may choose to require potential Medicaid beneficiaries to provide documentation that they either go to school or work, in order to receive benefits.
  • Expanding access to short-term “skinny plans.” Under the ACA, these low-cost, low-coverage plans were meant only as a “bridge” for those between jobs or in school. These plans don’t tend to cover ACA-mandated items such as pre-existing conditions or “essential health benefits.” What’s more, their extremely high deductibles could place their holders in financial difficulty should they become seriously ill.
  • Reducing funds to facilitate signup for insurance plans. Under the ACA, Navigator programs and a marketing budget were created to help people figure out how to sign up for health insurance on the exchanges. Trump’s reductions in funding for these services is a passive way to make it more difficult for disadvantaged people to sign up for ACA plans.

Experts have warned that dismantling the Affordable Care Act will cause great damage throughout the U.S. health care system. It is the Affordable Care Act, for example, that protects people with pre-existing conditions from being uninsurable, and mandates that “essential health benefits” such as a basic check-up, maternity care, and prescription drugs, are covered. 

“The Affordable Care Act is now part of the plumbing of our nation’s health care system,” says Bagley. “Ripping it out would cause untold damage and would create a whole lot of uncertainty.”

Could Texas v. Azar End the ACA? — Christopher Holt | American Action Forum (AAF) [2019-05-20]

Chairman Scott: Texas v. Azar Decision is “Frivolous” | House Committee on Education and Labor [2019-01-09]