Mr. Trump Goes to Europe…and Disgraces the U.S.

Donald Trump spent his recent trip to Europe lobbing insults, make-believe “facts,” and worrisome statements that even some of the usual Trump supporters have called a disgrace. We can only hope that “disgrace” adequately describes the damage that has likely been done by Trump’s behavior abroad.

As if Monday’s meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin (and the press conference that followed) wouldn’t have been troubling enough for the United States, before that meeting even took place, a few other Trumpian nuggets disgraced the United States this week:

The Disgrace of the NATO conference

Trump started off his trip by insulting U.S. allies at the NATO conference in Brussels. Grossly exaggerating the amount of energy Russia provides Germany, Trump proclaimed that Germany is “totally controlled by Russia.” In reality, natural gas is the only energy resource Germany receives from Russia, and it comprises just 20 percent of Germany’s total sources of energy.

Demonstrating his lack of knowledge about current NATO agreements, Trump pressured nations to increase their defense spending to 4 percent of their GDP, claiming that this was in accordance with a 2014 formal agreement. President Emmanuel Macron of France confirmed that according to the  agreement, the goal for each country was 2 percent of its GDP to defense spending by 2014, not 4 percent. Again citing false figures, Trump inflated the actual U.S. contribution, as well.

In a press conference, spouting wildly inaccurate dollar figures, Trump claimed “The United States has been paying a tremendous amount, probably 90 percent of the cost of NATO.” Though Trump later amended the figure to 70 percent, he was still grossly exaggerating. The United States pays more than its share, but our payment is only 22 percent of the NATO common fund – not 90 or even 70 percent.

Trump’s disgraceful visit to the UK

Donald Trump began his visit to the UK greeted by throngs of protestors. Even so, he remarked that the British “like me a lot.”

While in Britain (one of our closest allies), Trump gave an interview with The Sun, a British tabloid, in which he criticized British Prime Minister Theresa May for, among other things, how she is handling Brexit. Though the audio recording of the interview with Trump’s disparaging remarks was broadcast globally, Trump denied making the remarks.

May reported to the BBC that Trump suggested that she should sue the EU rather than negotiating with them. At another point in his trip, Trump described the EU as a trade foe of the United States, singling out Germany as an example.

Trump also openly criticized London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, saying he’s “doing a terrible job,” and blaming Khan for the terrorist attacks on London. He went on to proclaim that immigration is “damaging the fabric of Europe.” One has to wonder if Khan’s ethnicity has anything to do with Trump’s comments.

The president ended his trip to the U.K. by visiting the Queen. Photographs show Trump, during the Inspection of the Guard at Windsor Castle, awkwardly walking around and in front of the Queen, appearing to be unaware of the disrespect he was showing someone who is not only a queen, but a 92-year-old woman.

Donald Trump, United States President, doesn’t appear to have a clue about decorum, diplomacy, or, for that matter, how to tell the truth. It would be entertaining, perhaps, if it were just a reality TV host we were assigning those buffoonish qualities to. But buffoonery doesn’t play well in the company of statesmen doing their work. As some Americans continue to put spin after spin on his words and actions, the disgrace of Donald Trump continues to accelerate globally.

Trump’s UK visit ends in controversy ahead of Putin meeting | Channel 4 News [2018-07-15]

London Mayor Sadiq Khan responds to Trump | CNN [2018-07-13]

Trump-Putin Meeting: U.S. Thrown under Bus in Favor of Bully

Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki on Thursday, July 16, for private talks, which Trump said would be about, among other things, nuclear weapons. Trump’s treatment of the United States in his remarks following the meeting, however, was a lot like a parent throwing his child – and all of his child’s friends –  under the bus in favor of the kid who has been bullying his child.

“He said he didn’t do it, so I believe him,” is, in effect, what Donald Trump said about Putin in his response to a question about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Ignoring history, Trump went on to blame previous administrations for the poor relationship between the U.S. and Russia.

“Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!,” Trump tweeted on July 15.

Perhaps if the bully (Putin in this story) were an Eagle Scout and an honor student known for helping little old ladies across the street (or for not cozying up with the Afghan Taliban), we might find it plausible that a parent/Trump would take the bully’s word over that of his own child (or, say, United States Intelligence officers). Maybe if the bully were not widely known to be a thug (or a member of the KGB), jaws would not have dropped. Perhaps if the bully and his gang didn’t have a long history of ill-intentioned deeds toward others (namely, the U.S. and its democratic process, in this story), we could give him the benefit of the doubt.

U.S. intelligence has overwhelming (and supported) evidence of Russian collusion, and a U.S. grand jury has just indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents on election-related charges. Trump, however, is sticking with Putin’s story.

“I have great confidence in my intelligence people. But I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. Dan Coats [the director of national intelligence] came to me and some others, they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”

Even many Trump supporters, however, have found Trump’s position unpalatable at best, treasonous at worst.

“Today’s press conference in Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake.” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Though it’s true that McCain has long been at odds with Trump and what he stands for, other Republicans who have historically supported Trump took issue with how Trump handled the meeting.

“The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals. The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Unless one is highly skilled at self-deception and the art of the spin, it seems nearly impossible not to be horrified by Trump’s remarks regarding the history of U.S. relations with Russia, who is to blame, who our friends are in the world, and, most especially, Russia’s role in the 2016 election.

That is where Vice President Mike Pence comes in. “The truth is,” said Pence, “Over the last week” (Note: During that same week, at the NATO Summit, Trump also referred to the EU – among our closest allies – as our foes), “the world saw that President Donald Trump stands without apology as leader of the free world…What the world saw, and what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first.”

It’s not clear what Pence meant by “putting the prosperity and security of America first.” Perhaps he was actually referring to profiting from the branding of “America First.” Clearly, the phrase, as it relates to the Trump -Putin meeting, is not to be taken literally.

Lawmakers Respond to Trump-Putin Remarks | EWTN [2018-07-16]

Trump-Putin Joint Press Conference | VOA News [2018-07-16]