Editorial: Trump Wants Schools Open, CDC Guidelines Optional

In his most recent effort to pretend that the coronavirus is a thing of the past, Donald Trump is attempting to strong-arm schools into fully reopening this fall, despite a COVID-19 pandemic that shows no signs of abating. If K-12 schools don’t bring back students for on-site classes, Trump has threatened to withhold school funding. He has also criticized the CDC’s guidelines for re-opening schools, saying that they should be made less stringent.

Ignoring the fact that that Germany, Denmark, and Norway have succeeded in containing the spread of COVID-19, Trump tweeted, “In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!”

Trump is tired of the COVID-19 virus. He’s tired of the impact it’s having on his approval ratings. He’s tired of being asked difficult questions. He’s tired of the inconvenience of it all. What’s more, he demonstrates an inability to reason out cause and effect. Reopening schools in the middle of a pandemic, he apparently believes, will convince Americans that the virus is behind them, demonstrate his great leadership in conquering the virus, and consequently improve his polling numbers.

“I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools,” Trump also tweeted. “While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!”

Appearing to support President Trump’s criticism of CDC guidelines for schools, Vice President Mike Pence told journalists at a Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Wednesday, “The president said today we just don’t want the guidance to be too tough. And that’s the reason next week the CDC is going to be issuing a new set of tools.”

Using logic that sounded strangely akin to “We’re seeing more cases because we’re doing more testing,” Pence also said, “We don’t want the guidance from CDC to be a reason why schools don’t open.”

(In other words, “Science, schmience.”)

In a similarly confusing moment, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said that the existing CDC guidelines aren’t meant to be prescriptive, that it was not the CDC’s intent to “provide a rationale to keep schools closed.”

So, while the CDC’s health and safety recommendations are optional for schools, Trump wants to make students return to school in person, no matter what, even if it puts them, their families, and school staff at risk. In Trump’s alternate reality, this will put the coronavirus in its place, and his ratings will soar.

Many schools fear reopening because they don’t have the resources to make the changes necessary for assuring health and safety for their students and staff. It’s ironic, then, that instead of authorizing funds to help these schools, Trump is threatening to reduce their funding. Pence, in fact, suggested that future COVID-19 relief bills might be tied to whether schools reopen.

It’s challenging for many families when kids can’t be physically at school. Opening schools unsafely, however, could result in much worse hardship. The country has been grappling with the quandary of how to get students the education and services they need, how to help working parents who have to miss work when their children are home, and how to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

The solution is not to order everyone back to school as if that would make COVID-19 and all of its resulting economic, educational, and social issues just go away. With no plan in place, and no funding or resources allocated to address these problems or to ensure that schools are equipped for health and safety, families with school-age children have been placed in a bind.

Some governors are pushing back, saying the president has no authority over when schools reopen. (The president also can’t decide on his own to withhold funding from schools.)

“School reopenings are a state decision, period,” said New York governor Andrew Cuomo. “That is the law, and that is the way we are going to proceed. It’s not up to the president of the United States.”

And on Thursday, despite the criticism and implied pressure from Donald Trump, and contrary to Mike Pence’s hints that the CDC would be bending to Trump’s pressure, CDC Director Redfield said that the CDC would not be changing its guidelines, but would only be adding more information for schools on how to use the guidelines.

“Our guidelines are our guidelines, but we are going to provide additional reference documents to aid basically communities in trying to open K-through-12s,” Redfield said. “It’s not a revision of the guidelines; it’s just to provide additional information to help schools be able to use the guidance we put forward.”

Remember, though…they’re “just guidelines.” Presumably, though, schools will do what they can, even if it’s limited.

Trump’s claim that “young people do extraordinarily well” is not always true, since some children have underlying conditions. And all children are capable of transmitting the virus without symptoms.

Additionally, the reality is that children will be children— they’ll have runny noses, they’ll lose their masks, they’ll forget to wash their hands. And what about the kids who have had the “it’s a hoax” mentality instilled in them by MAGA parents? How fastidious will they be with the health and safety guidelines?

We must keep in mind that even if a return to schools is mandatory, the CDC has just made it clear that it is not mandatory for schools to follow the guidelines for keeping students and faculty healthy while they’re at school.

Donald Trump needs for schools to fully reopen— not for the wellbeing of our children, but for his campaign. During the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., he has demonstrated over and over again that the health and safety of Americans are of little consequence to him. This latest stunt should erase all doubt that this is true.

Trump Pressures Schools To Reopen Despite Coronavirus Surge | TODAY

Trump calls for reopening of US schools amid COVID-19 pandemic |
Al Jazeera English [2020-07-08]

Editorial: Why Won’t the MAGAs Stay Home?

As the MAGAs (Donald Trump’s base supporters) flout the advice of medical experts and instead follow Donald Trump’s lead in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve all but given up hope that common sense or reason might intervene. Even in the face of the virus’ mass devastation, many MAGAs continue to resist lockdowns, refuse to wear masks, and ignore social distancing guidelines, saying they’re not concerned, and/or citing their “liberty.”

Unquestionably, this behavior has contributed to the recent sharp re-surge in the number of cases and deaths in the U.S. With Trump as their role model, many MAGAs are also egged on by conspiracy theory movements that have found highly habitable homes inside MAGA heads; perhaps most notably, even if they don’t know it by name, Q, or QAnon.

Republicans, in general, pride themselves on being the party of small government. Some MAGAs, however, like the man they elected president, tend to be extreme: exceptionally mistrustful of government, science, and the media. They are often disillusioned and tend to embrace conspiracy theories, providing optimal conditions for nourishing the numerous baseless conspiracy theories such as those propagated by QAnon. The fact that Donald Trump retweets many of the conspiracy theories makes them even more credible to these members of his base.

The essence of QAnon is that a deep state cabal of global elites (which includes Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, and….Tom Hanks) rules the world and controls the politicians, the media, and Hollywood, while covering up its own existence. This deep state is responsible for all of the evil in the world. Donald Trump is their only hope for defeating this cabal, and in fact was elected to stop them. The cabal, then, goes the theory, will do anything to take him down.

If that last part sounds vaguely familiar, it may be because QAnon has now infused its conspiracy mentality into the COVID-19 crisis. In the early days of COVID-19 in the U.S., QAnon was perpetuating the conspiracy theory that the deep state, in its zeal to bring down Donald Trump, had exaggerated the gravity of the virus so that the economy would collapse and Donald Trump would lose re-election.

All of this may seem a little extreme and even unhinged, but it’s not just private-citizen MAGAs who follow QAnon ideology; a number of 2020 Congressional candidates and right-wing media figures believe in it, support the idea of it, and/or promote it as positive for the country. In fact, more than 50 candidates (almost all Republican) who ran for Congress in 2020 have expressed support for QAnon.

When asked if she was familiar with QAnon, Lauren Boebert, Republican candidate for the House in Colorado’s 3rd District, said,

“I hope that this is real because it only means America’s getting stronger and better and people are returning to conservative values,”said  “And that’s what I am for. And so everything that I have heard of this movement is only motivating and encouraging and bringing people together, stronger. And … if this is real, then it can be really great for our country.”

Great for our country? A stronger and better America?

“The most dangerous conspiracy theories about the coronavirus are now part of the QAnon phenomenon,” writes Marc-Andre Argentino in an article in The Conversation. “For months now, actors in QAnon have downplayed the severity of the crisis, amplified medical disinformation and have been originators of hoaxes.”

Many of us have an Aunt Cheryl or a Cousin George who refuses to wear a mask or stay inside, and who regularly posts outrageous “evidence” on social media that masks are dangerous, the virus is no more deadly than the flu, and social distancing orders are “tyranny.” These memes and posts are often prefaced with “Do your research” or “Just seeking the truth” (hence the term “trutherism” that is often associated with these conspiracy theories).

Chances are, the Aunt Cheryls and Cousin Georges of the world have never heard of organizations like QAnon. They simply log into their social media accounts, see a post that promises information “they don’t want you to know,” such as “statistics” showing that COVID-19 is less deadly than the health experts have said, and pass it on. Even if they pass the information with the intent of being helpful, it can be deadly.

“The QAnon conspiracies have created an environment of complacency among its followers who aren’t taking the risks posed by the virus seriously,” says Argentino.

Further, they have fostered the idea that the guidelines, recommendations, and mandates put forth by public health experts are nothing more than an effort to control their lives.

Since the tendencies of those who subscribe to the QAnon-originated conspiracies tend to have a wide mistrust of science, the media, and “authority,” information presented as “privileged” or “secret” appeals to them. No amount of evidence, no number of laws or recommendations— not even any amount of surges in the number of COVID-19 cases— are likely to influence them to change their behavior, because they have information that “most people don’t know.”

And so the large gatherings at mega-churches and beaches continue, as do events such as the recent Trump rally in Tulsa and the Fourth of July fireworks at Mt. Rushmore, where the South Dakota governor proudly says that no social distancing will be required.

The FBI has called QAnon’s spread of conspiracy theories a “potential domestic terrorism threat.” It’s also a public health threat.

Here are examples of how QAnon has influenced the MAGAs’ response to the coronavirus:

The COVID-19 “Hoax”

Starting in February, QAnon propagated the idea that COVID-19 was a deep state plot to damage Trump’s chances for re-election. Warnings about the pandemic from public health experts and others were seen as efforts by the Democrats to stop Trump rallies, detract from other domestic issues, and destroy the economy, all to prevent Trump’s re-election.

The “Empty Hospital” Conspiracy

As news outlets reported on hospitals overcrowded with COVID-19 patients, overworked and endangered health care staff, and the threat of running out of ventilators and ICU beds, people associated with QAnon spread an “empty hospital” conspiracy, using the #FilmYourHospital hashtag. The conspiracy challenged people to drive by their local hospital and take a picture of the parking lot. A lot that wasn’t full was labeled as “proof” that what the media was reporting about overburdened hospitals wasn’t true.

“Spiritual Warfare”

QAnon conspiracy theories have led some evangelicals to adopt the idea that the pandemic is the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, as promised in the evangelical Bible. They see the virus as “spiritual warfare,” and therefore, don’t believe they’ll be affected by it. Only those not chosen by God, they believe, will contract it. This, too, has contributed to the downplaying of the virus in some evangelical and MAGA communities.

It’s a short step, then, to the view that requiring masks, lockdowns, and social distancing, are “tyranny,” and that including churches in the orders against large group meetings are a calculated effort to suppress freedom of religion.

“Chinese Virus”

An early QAnon conspiracy theory regarding COVID-19 was the theory that the virus was a Chinese bioweapon, developed and released as a joint venture between China and the Democrats to destroy the U.S. economy and stop Trump from being re-elected. Donald Trump keeps this conspiracy alive with his racist-tinged terms for the virus, such as “the Chinese virus,” and a MAGA favorite, “the Kung Flu.”

Although the conspiracies put forth by QAnon and others may sound wacky, we should take their influence seriously. They, and in turn those who believe them, have politicized a potentially deadly virus, so that in some parts of the country, one’s attitude toward COVID-19 is an indicator of how loyal one is to Donald Trump. The divisiveness and misinformation spread by these conspiracy theories are, at least in part, responsible for its exponential spread in the U.S.

As long as there is support for politicians who see the QAnon movement as a good thing for the country, and help perpetuate its misinformation, we may have to find ways to work around them as we combat the COVID-19 crisis in the U.S. We cannot hold out hope that the MAGAs and others who support such ideology will come around— there is no indication that they will ever stay home.

QAnon Supporter Lauren Boebert Beats Five-Term GOP Congressman |
HuffPost  [2020-07-01]

QAnon conspiracy theory spreads to political mainstage |
CBS News [2020-02-10]