Impeachment Trial Begins as Trump Himself Provides Obstruction Evidence

In 283 days, American voters will decide who they want to be president. Some voters will also decide who they want to represent them in Congress. GOP Congressional lawmakers appear to have let that, along with their fealty to Donald Trump, take precedence over even their oaths of office as they participate in the impeachment proceedings against Trump.

The impeachment trial in the Senate is far from over, however, and those Senators who are up for re-election may be finding themselves in quite a spot. As of this week, a CNN poll found that 51 percent of Americans say that the Senate should elect to remove Donald Trump from office during the Senate impeachment trial. Sixty-nine percent of Americans are in support of obtaining testimony from witnesses who did not appear during the House impeachment hearings. Fifty-eight percent of Americans surveyed said that Trump abused the power of his presidency for improper personal political gain (the first article of impeachment), and 57 percent say that Trump obstructed Congress in its impeachment investigation (the second article of impeachment).

As the impeachment trial began in the Senate on Tuesday, January 22, the first segment stretched until 2 am. Some speculate that the late hours were by GOP Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell’s design: How many Americans would be tuned in then to watch?

Democrat House managers prosecuting the case presented amendments in support of bringing witnesses and allowing new evidence that was uncovered after the impeachment took place in the House. Republican Senators voted each amendment down.

The Senate adopted ground rules, and a vote down party lines determined that the Senate will delay a decision as to whether to bring witnesses until after most of the proceedings. A key witness for the prosecution would include former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton. Each side will be allowed a total of 24 hours over three days to present their opening arguments.

Trump’s defense attorneys tried repeatedly to allege that the House impeachment managers, by asking to admit evidence and witnesses that were not part of the House hearings (mainly because Trump blocked witnesses from appearing and refused to provide any requested documents), showed that they were “not prepared” for the Senate trial.

House managers argued the absurdity of this claim, reminding them that the White House had in fact blocked evidence and witnesses in the House.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the second and third day of the impeachment trial, House Managers presented their opening arguments. Thursday was “Abuse of Power Day,” during which the House impeachment managers presented the case for Trump’s abuse of his presidential power in his dealings with Ukraine (one of two articles of impeachment against Trump). House impeachment managers will focus on the second article of impeachment, obstruction of Congress, on Friday.

Evidence supporting this second article was provided by Trump himself this week, when, from the World Economic Forum in Davos, he boasted (regarding the impeachment trial and the withholding of material from Congress), “We’re doing very well…Honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”

House manager Val Demings (D-Fla.) tweeted, “The second article of impeachment was for obstruction of Congress: covering up witnesses and documents from the American people. This morning the President not only confessed to it, he bragged about it.”

While offering no pithy defense of Trump, Republican lawmakers only appear able to stonewall, use false logic, and challenge the process instead of challenging the actual allegations. They seem to want the public to heed their message of “Move along folks. Nothing to see here…” It’s not that there’s nothing to see, it’s just that there’s nothing they want Americans to look at too closely.

Incidentally, Trump broke his Twitter record on Wednesday this week, with 142 tweets and retweets, mainly deriding the impeachment process.

Trump continued this week to set records by also setting one in the Lack of Fitness to Be Commander in Chief category. During a press conference in Davos, he downplayed the concussive head injuries 11 American soldiers had sustained from blasts during an Iran missile strike on the Ain al-Asad air base in Iraq. The strike was in retaliation for a Trump-ordered drone strike that killed Iran’s most powerful general, Qasem Soleimani.

In addressing the troops’ potential traumatic brain injuries (TBI), Trump said, “I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things… But I would say, and I can report, that it is not very serious.”

When a reporter pressed “So you don’t consider potential traumatic brain injury serious?”

Trump went on to say, “”I don’t consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I’ve seen.”

It should be noted that Trump has also mocked new NFL rules for preventing concussions, after research has shown the possible dire consequences of TBI. In 2016 at a campaign rally, Trump said, “We don’t go by these new, and very much softer, NFL rules. Concussions—’Uh oh, got a little ding on the head? No, no, you can’t play for the rest of the season’—our people are tough.”

As the week ends, Trump’s legal team is expected to begin its defense presentation on Saturday. Very few Americans hold out hope that the Senate will remove Donald J. Trump from office, but as the above survey results indicate, a small majority believes that the impeachment process was the right thing to do. The next opportunity for the right thing to do will come when Americans vote on November 3.

President Trump Minimizes Severity Of Troop Head Injuries In Iran Missile Attacks | TIME [2020-01-23]

Trump impeachment trial begins with witness battle | BBC News

Impeachment Trial Begins, Lev Parnas Surfaces with New Damning Evidence

With 290 days until the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the impeachment of President Donald Trump dominates the news. On Wednesday, January 15, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the two articles of impeachment against Trump, who is charged with abuse of presidential power, and obstruction of Congress.

Prior to signing the articles, Pelosi announced the names of the seven impeachment managers she has chosen to present the case for impeachment to the Senate. They are House Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Val Demings (D-Fla.), Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Jason Crow (D-Colo.), and Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas). After the signing of the articles, Pelosi and the impeachment managers walked across the Capitol to the Senate chamber to deliver the articles, per protocol.

The articles charge that Trump abused his power by withholding already-approved military aid to Ukraine, as well as the promise of a White House meeting with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy in order to pressure Zelenskiy to announce an investigation of Democratic primary candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter, who held a high-paying job as consultant to Burisma, Ukraine’s largest energy provider. The articles further charge that Trump obstructed Congress by blocking key evidence and testimony.

The Senate formally accepted the articles on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, Chief Justice John Roberts, who will preside over the trial in the Senate, administered the jurors’ oath to all 100 senators, to swear to deliver “impartial justice.” It should be noted, however, that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already openly promised not to be impartial.

“This is an example of all of the president’s henchmen,” Pelosi reflected, “and I hope that the senators do not become part of the president’s henchmen.”

The actual trial is expected to begin on Tuesday, January 21.

Meanwhile, The Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan agency that reports to Congress, has determined this week that Trump’s hold on the military aid to Ukraine was a violation of federal law governing how the White House may disburse funds approved by Congress.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the decision states. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.”

Though impeachment does not require violation of a federal law, this development will no doubt be significant as the impeachment trial plays out. Republicans are already trying to point out that the GAO is pointing the finger at the OMB (Office of Management and Budget), not at the president. It was the president, however, who ordered that the military funds be put on hold.

And as impeachment trial preparations were brewing this week, additional evidence was unearthed, appearing to confirm the nature of Trump’s motivation in his plan to have the Bidens investigated.

Trump maintains that he was simply motivated by his concern about corruption in Ukraine for the sake of “the American people.” Strong evidence indicates, however, that Trump was motivated purely by personal gain — uncovering dirt on the Bidens, or, at the very least, stirring up controversy and casting doubt on Joe Biden’s integrity as he runs for president.

Lev Parnas, a former associate of Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has provided documents and granted interviews containing information that indicate that Donald Trump was directly involved in the Ukraine pressure campaign, and that his motivation was for personal gain, not for the good of the U.S. Further, Trump’s intent was to investigate the Bidens, not to investigate general corruption in Ukraine.

James Hohmann of the Washington Post writes, “Evidence of the president’s hands-on role bolsters the Democratic case that Trump himself abused his power, not outside advisers who were pursuing personal interests in the president’s name.”

Included in Parnas’ documents was a message thread from March 2019 between Parnas and Robert Hyde, a current Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut. The subject of the messages was former ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled from her post by the Trump administration in May 2019. In his interviews with the media this week, Lev Parnas confirmed that Yovanovitch was seen as an obstacle to Trump’s plan for investigation of the Bidens.
The messages suggest Hyde and others may have been following the diplomat in Kiev. “They are moving her tomorrow,” Hyde wrote to Parnas. “The guys over there asked me what I would like to do and what is in it for them.”

He then noted that Yovanovitch turned off her phone and computer.

“They are willing to help if we/you would like a price,” Hyde said. “Guess you can do anything in the Ukraine with money … what I was told.”

“Lol,” Parnas responded, indicating “laugh out loud.”.

Several days later, Hyde wrote: “It’s confirmed we have a person inside.”

Though the U.S. State Department continues to remain silent about the exchanges and the possibility of unauthorized surveillance of Yovanovitch by associates of Trump, Ukraine has announced that it will launch an investigation.

“Ukraine’s position is not to interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States of America,” Ukraine’s Interior Ministry stated. “Ukraine cannot ignore such illegal activities on the territory of its own state.”

Parnas has since said that he didn’t take the exchange seriously. Hyde, too, dismissed it as a joke.

Though some of Parnas’ new information still needs to be corroborated, other portions of it support the existing evidence against Trump and his associates. It’s yet to be determined whether, or if, this new evidence will be used in the Senate impeachment trial.

On the other side of the world, Russia’s entire cabinet resigned on Wednesday. Russian president Vladimir Putin had, earlier on Wednesday, announced that he would be pushing through reforms to the constitution. The changes would redistribute power so that parliament and the prime minister would have more power, but Putin’s successor as president would be considerably weakened. Putin, whose term as president ends in 2024, could then take on a new role and continue to be a powerful figure in the Russian government. (Speaking of abuse of power…)

Putin simply thanked his former government and said that “not everything worked out.”

Given what our president has successfully been able to get away with, given his statement, “Then I have an Article 2 (of the U.S. Constitution), where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,” and given that our current GOP largely disregards the checks and balances system of our three-branch government, we can only hope that Election 2020 eliminates the possibility of something similar happening in the U.S.

Impeachment process moves ahead amid new revelations from Lev Parnas | CBS News [2020-01-16]

Trump reacts to photograph of him with Lev Parnas: “I take thousands of pictures” | Global News [2020-01-16]