Jimmy Carter Questions Trump’s Legitimacy as President

Former President Jimmy Carter called into question Donald Trump’s legitimacy as president during a panel discussion hosted by the Carter Center on Friday.  

Carter’s comments followed shortly after Trump, in Japan for the G20 Summit, wagged his finger at Vladimir Putin on camera, appearing to ridicule the idea of the threat of Russian interference in the US presidential election.

“I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016,” said Carter. “He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”

Carter was then asked whether this meant that he believed Donald Trump was an illegitimate president. He responded, ““Based on what I just said, which I can’t retract.”

We’ve become used to Trump’s denigrating anyone who disagrees with him or who exposes a fault or a lie of his. Trump frequently calls into question the legitimacy of even those public figures who are known for their uprightness (Robert Mueller and James Comey come immediately to mind). His intent frequently appears to be to cast doubt on the integrity or stability of the person.

But it’s unusual, if not unheard of, for a former U.S. president to so directly and sharply criticize a current president.

Inae Oh of Mother Jones noted, “The extraordinary comments marked some of the harshest language a former US president has ever directed at a sitting president.”

Though there is evidence that Russian interference did take place, we should remember that no proof was found that the Russians directly manipulated votes to ensure Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. On the other hand, many Trump supporters, and Trump himself, continue to argue that Russia had no influence on the election, and that is hardly plausible.

What is important to remember is that we don’t know for certain if Russian interference actually did cause the election outcome. Though Jimmy Carter’s comments may resonate, we can only consider what’s been proven when we go about citing  evidence of illegitimacy.

We may never know for sure the magnitude of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Even if we put the issue of Russian interference aside, though, we should still consider that Trump won the 2016 election based on the number of electoral votes, not the number of popular votes. Though that legally made him president, perhaps we should start questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency by questioning the integrity of how that institution works today.

Bongino talks Trump’s invitation to Kim Jong Un, Jimmy Carter ‘legitimacy’ comment | Fox News [2019-06-29]

Former Pres. Jimmy Carter calls President Trump an “Illegitimate President” (C-SPAN) | [2019-06-28]

Donald Trump Kicks Off Re-election Campaign

Donald Trump has officially kicked off his campaign for re-election. Though he announced his intention to run for re-election at an Orlando, Florida, rally on June 18, 2019, Trump had actually filed his re-election campaign with the Federal Election Commission on the day he was inaugurated in 2016. 

Trump has gotten a lot of campaign mileage out of fear-mongering, voicing grievances, and inciting distrust and resentment of otherness (Anyone deviating from the general demographic of his base is fair game).

Democrats, Trump told his fans at the Florida kickoff rally, “want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it.”

“A vote for any Democrat in 2020,” he continued, “is a vote for the rise of radical socialism and the destruction of the American dream.”

In his efforts to portray an economically thriving America, Trump has attempted to redefine what constitutes poverty, thus reducing the number of Americans — even working Americans — who would qualify for assistance. And though many Trump supporters themselves are not faring well economically, they remain on the Trump bandwagon, as evidenced by the enthusiasm at the Florida kickoff rally for Trump’s re-election slogan, “Keep America Great.”

And despite (or because of) Robert Mueller’s reported findings related to Trump’s possible obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation; despite Trump’s ties to corporations; and despite Trump’s now more than 10,000 documented lies or misrepresentations since taking office, Trump’s base remain steadfast in their support. 

Meanwhile, 20 Democrats prepare for the first 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Debate, running on platforms that actually could contribute to America’s greatness — climate change, the opioid crisis, health care. But “greatness,” as seen by Trump’s supporters, appears to be defined by exclusion, divisiveness, and a narrow world-view.

As the Democratic candidates debate each other and put forth their platforms, it seems that most agree on what they see as the most important issue, no matter who gets the Democratic nomination: to beat Donald Trump and prevent his re-election. 

Where does President Trump stand as he kicks off his 2020 reelection bid? | Fox News [2019-06-22]

Donald Trump launches 2020 re-election bid | Times News