* Donald Trump proposes Muslim ban, launches anti-Muslim campaign ads (2016-01-04)

In November 2015, Donald Trump proposed a Muslim database (AKA Muslim registry) (https://www.failblog.com/664.html).

In December 2015, Donald Trump proposed a Muslim travel ban.

In January 2016, Donald Trump’s campaign launched an anti-Muslim campaign ad.

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1. Donald Trump On Muslim Travel Ban, Obama And 2016 | Morning Joe | MSNBC (2015-12-08)


MSNBC – “2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump returns for part two of a discussion with the Morning Joe panel on his proposal to ban Muslims from traveling to the U.S., President Obama, 2016 and his message to Muslims.”

1. Trump’s son on father’s plan to ban Muslims from US entry (2015-12-08)


Fox News – “Donald Trump, Jr. says the Republican presidential candidate is more concerned about the ‘safety of Americans’ than ‘offending people around the world.”

2. Trump Supporters React To Plan To Ban Muslims | MSNBC (2015-12-08)


MSNBC – “GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s campaign released a written statement on Monday calling for ‘a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.'”

2. Trump compares Muslim ban to FDR’s policies of World War II (2015-12-08)


Fox News – Republican presidential candidate calls for ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entering U.S.
Watch Dana Perino, Eric Bolling, Greg Gutfeld, Juan Williams, and Kimberly Guilfoyle talk about Elections, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans on Bolling and The Five.”

3. Donald Trump Targets Muslims In First 2016 TV Ad | MSNBC (2016-01-04)


MSNBC – “MSNBC’s Cal Perry talks about the social media buzz surrounding the ad and whether ISIS will use it as anti-American propaganda.”

3. Trump Muslim ban: Politically brilliant but trouble for GOP? (2015-12-08)


Fox News – “‘On the Record’ looks at fallout from GOP 2016 frontrunner’s call for ban Muslims from entering the US and problem it poses for the Republican party.”

* November 2015 Paris attacks, Trump’s Muslim Database, Muslim Registry, Mosque Surveillance (2015-11-21)

In November 2015, the Middle East and Europe were facing a refugee crisis in the wake of fighting in Syria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees_of_the_Syrian_Civil_War#2015), then came terrorist attacks in Paris (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks). While debating other GOP candidates for POTUS, Trump used current events to propose creating a database of Muslims (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016#Temporary_Muslim_ban_proposal).

Top 6 Videos

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1. Trump would ‘certainly implement’ database for Muslims (2015-11-20)


CNN – “Donald Trump called for the creation of a national database to register all Muslims living in the U.S. to protect the country against terrorism.”

1. Donald Trump taking heat for Muslim database comments (2015-11-20)


Fox News – “Controversial remarks about securing the homeland sparks debate; Carl Cameron with the GOP roundup on ‘Special Report.'”

2. Donald Trump Clarifies His Comments on a Muslim Registry Here in the States (2015-11-20)


ABC News – “Governors in more than half the country are saying Syrian refugees aren’t welcome.”

2. Trump draws criticism for backing plan for Muslim database (2015-11-20)


Fox News – “Terror attacks, refugee crisis take center stage in presidential race.”

3. Donald Trump: ‘I want surveillance of certain mosques’ (2015-11-21)


CNN – “Donald Trump is ratcheting up his rhetoric about American Muslims, saying there’s precedent for monitoring some mosques amid the recent terror wave.”

3. Trump: ‘I want surveillance of certain mosques’ (2015-11-21)


Fox News – “GOP frontrunner addresses previous remarks about a national database for Muslims.”