* Trump’s Address To Congress #1, Democratic Response, Yemen Raid Fiasco (2017-03-01)

Liberal & Uncategorized


1. President Donald Trump’s 2017 Joint Address To Congress: Full Speech | NBC News (2017-02-28)


NBC News – “President Donald Trump’s 2017 Joint Address To Congress: Full Speech | NBC News.”

1. Gingrich ‘blown away’ by President Trump’s ‘best speech’ (2017-02-28)


Fox News – “Reaction from Fox News contributor and former speaker of the House.”

2. Watch the full Democratic response from former Gov. Steve Beshear (2017-02-28)


PBS NewsHour – “Former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear delivered the Democratic response to President Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress.”

2. Democratic Response by Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear (C-SPAN) (2017-02-28)


C-SPAN – “Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivers the Democrats Response to President Trump’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress.”

3. Trump Takes Zero Responsibility For Yemen Raid Disaster (2017-02-28)


The Young Turks – “It was Obama’s fault, but it was a great success. Or something. John Iadarola and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.”

3. Widow of Slain Navy SEAL Receives Standing Ovation During Trump’s Address (2017-02-28)


Fox News – “During his first address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Donald Trump saluted the widow of a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in a counterterrorism raid in January.”

* Erik’s Editorial: Betsy Devos (US Education Secretary) is not qualified to belong to the PTA, Jeff Sessions (AG) is not qualified to be a judge, Many issues demand investigative reporting (2017-02-09)

1. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101123284730198

Not qualified to belong to the PTA, yet confirmed as US Education Secretary.

Not qualified to be a judge, yet confirmed as US Attorney General.


2. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101123447828348

Some issues that need investigative reporting:

1. The tax returns.

2. The sexual harassment allegations.

3. The Emoluments Clause.

4. Whether the Yemen operation was timed to coincide with the immigration ban.

5. Those actually behind the vandalism at Berkeley.

I fear that the firehose IS the strategy to make the world forget about the real issues.

* US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier (2017-02-10)

* Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser Mike Flynn Resigns Over Russia Contacts (2017-02-14)

Add Paul Manafort to the list:

* Donald Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Resigns | MSNBC (2016-08-19)

3. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101123644439338

There is no “Scalia seat” on SCOTUS just like there was no “Kennedy seat” in the Senate.

4. source: https://www.facebook.com/erikjheels/posts/10101123751399988

Never held elected office, never served in the military, now Commander in Chief.