Editorial: Health Insurance Companies Shouldn’t Have the Power to Destroy Lives

Last year, I decided to leave my soul-killing corporate job that I had been staying in solely for the health insurance benefits, to go out on my own as a consultant. I wasn’t downsized or let go. It was fully my choice to leave.

Some of my colleagues called me “brave.” Why? Not because I was leaving a “permanent” salary to go out on my own to a more precarious situation, although that is definitely something to be concerned about. It was all about the health insurance. I was electing to give up a job where my very good (and very expensive) health insurance was generously subsidized by my employer. Yes, some of my colleagues called me “brave,” but I’ll admit that at least one or two others called me “insane.”

I decided to take the COBRA option, at least through the end of the year, while I shopped around for an alternative. At $1600 a month, COBRA was a drain on my finances, but since I have a daughter with a chronic illness, maintaining good health care coverage is important to me.
I have to acknowledge now that maybe my co-workers weren’t entirely wrong about my “bravery,” although it may have been naivete disguised as bravery. I thought I’d have no trouble finding a good and affordable insurance plan on my state’s Health Connector, one of the statewide insurance clearinghouses set up under Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”). Several years ago, I had been able to purchase a nice plan this way when I needed to.
I found, though, that the previous variety of plans and providers was no longer available on the Health Connector. Those that were left were pricey, had high deductibles, and, unless I was willing to pay the amount I had been paying under COBRA, had numerous restrictions.
I ended up purchasing a plan that I’m not entirely happy with, because the premium was the maximum I could comfortably afford each month.
This experience was an acute reminder that in the United States, the reason many people stay in unsatisfying, toxic, or underpaying jobs is that it’s the only way they have access to health insurance. And not all insurance plans are equal in the coverage they provide, the restrictions they have, or the portion of the premium that employees must pay. Even for those who have employer-subsidized health insurance, many will still be at risk of losing everything, should they or a family member have a serious, long, or expensive illness.
We’re told that hospitals will often “work with you” to pay medical bills. Several years ago, I worked in a hospital financial services office. Our patients had to prove that they were practically destitute and had exhausted all other resources before we would “work with them.” Many impoverished people, not to mention those who aren’t destitute but who are still struggling, fall through the cracks.
No one should have to exhaust all of their resources for the sake of their healthcare. No one’s life should be turned upside-down because of healthcare expenses.
It’s no wonder that in a recent Gallup poll (along with numerous other polls), healthcare was the top issue for voters, with 35 percent saying it was extremely important, and 81 percent saying it was “extremely to very important.”
Whether one has insurance through an employer, through a state Health Connector, or through a broker, the cost of treatment and medications (and often, the premium itself) is prohibitive. For those without access to affordable insurance, the cost is impossible. More and more Americans are coming to realize that there but for the grace of God or their employer, go they.
Despite the dearth of great health care options on my state’s Health Connector, I am a staunch supporter of the ACA. For all insurance consumers, not just those using “Obamacare,” it has given us benefits that we have now come to take for granted. It requires that annual checkups be fully covered; prevents insurers from denying us coverage if we have a pre-existing condition (which is important for my family — most families, if we’re honest); provides for a number of previously not well-covered services including those for addiction and mental health care; and requires health insurers to cover prenatal care, among many other benefits that previously, insurers could wiggle out of covering.
Our current president wants to take all of that away. Not because he wants to replace it with a plan that will better serve Americans. Certainly not because he wants more Americans to have access to decent healthcare. He wants to take it away simply because the ACA was Obama’s idea (and was shepherded by Trump’s current rival, Joe Biden). Trump wants to obliterate all things Obama — and we know how Trump feels about Joe Biden, as well.
There is much about the ACA that needs improvement. But it is an important first set of steps toward creating a healthcare system that works for the majority of people, and that could eventually work for all of us. Its guidelines are the best we’ve ever had as far as patient protections, and it’s the best we could hope to have under Donald Trump.
Our health is important, and our healthcare is important. Access to healthcare, however, should not be the force that drives so many of the other major decisions we make about our lives — where we work, how long we stay in an unbearable work situation, how many jobs we have to work, whether we can afford to go to the doctor, and, for many, which other bills to hold off paying in order to pay a medical bill, or even whether to declare bankruptcy.
As more people have experienced or witnessed firsthand what it’s like to have to make life-impacting sacrifices solely for the sake of their healthcare coverage (or because of non-coverage), more and more Americans are coming together on the position that healthcare is a right, not a privilege.
As of Thursday, March 5, the Democratic race for the presidential nominee has been whittled down to two men and one woman. Voters will place their faith in one of these candidates to heal the condition of healthcare in the U.S. Each has a different approach, but Democrat voters have high hopes that one of them will free us from the power that the private health insurance industry has to destroy our lives.

Sanders: The current healthcare system is ‘pathetic’ | CNN [2020-03-02]

Wall Street Focuses on Health Care in Election | Bloomberg Politics

Trump’s Holiday Tweet Storm, Lisa Murkowski Opposes McConnell’s Promise of Partiality

This week, with just a few days til 2020 and 311 days till the 2020 presidential election, Trump, though on holiday at Mar-a-Lago, nevertheless kept his impeachment and his ire at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi close by his side.
On Christmas night, Trump focused a significant amount of energy not on his family, but on his phone, sending out copious tweets attacking Pelosi, who led the impeachment charge against him, and who is currently withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate until the GOP-dominated Senate lays out a clear plan as to what Trump’s trial in the Senate will look like.
 “Why should Crazy Nancy Pelosi…be allowed to Impeach the President of the United States?” Was the general flavor of Trump’s Christmas night tweet frenzy.
 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already proclaimed that he won’t be an impartial juror in Trump’s trial. 
“Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel,” McConnell told Fox New’ Sean Hannity. “There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.”
In the House, Republicans walked in lock step in their opposition to impeachment, presenting a defense of Trump that consisted largely of deflection. In the Senate, however, some Republicans are not comfortable with McConnell’s planned impartiality.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has voiced her concern this week. “In fairness, when I heard that, I was disturbed,” she said.
Referring to not only McConnell, but also to many GOP lawmakers who have already indicated they will not be impartial, Murkowski said, “For me to prejudge and say there’s nothing there or, on the other hand, he should be impeached yesterday, that’s wrong, in my view, that’s wrong.”
Elsewhere in the world this week, a Saudi court sentenced five people to death for the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of the Saudi royal family. Khashoggi’s gruesome murder at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul brought global condemnation and cast suspicion on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Lawyers concluded that Khashoggi’s killing was not premeditated, though evidence had been found that a hit team was sent to the Consulate to dispatch Khashoggi. Outside Saudi Arabia, questions remain as to what Crown Prince bin Salman may have had to do with the killing.
In North Korea, a promised “Christmas gift” to the U.S., widely interpreted by the White House to mean a provocative North Korean weapons test, never came. U.S. intelligence remains watchful.
“Maybe it’s a nice present,” joked President Trump when asked how he would respond if North Korea fired a missile over the holidays. “Maybe it’s present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test. … You don’t know. You never know.”

Back in the U.S., where health care has been ranked among the worst among the industrialized countries, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to fight for its life. This week, a court ruling that further jeopardizes the ACA by declaring it unconstitutional may actually empower Democrats. As the GOP continues its attempts to dismantle the ACA while offering no palatable replacement, more Americans are beginning to feel the crisis our health care is in.

Additionally, more Americans are discovering how the ACA benefits all Americans with protections such as for pre-existing conditions and full coverage for physical exams. This has given Democrats the opportunity to demonstrate their support for protecting the ACA, as well as their desire to create a health care system that works for more Americans, as Republicans appear to be working to restrict access even more. Democrats won the House majority in 2018 in large part on their message of protecting the ACA and its protection for preexisting conditions.

Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) said “I think it’s an opportunity to reset with the new year to remind people that there’s a very real threat to tens of millions of Americans. We Democrats are always striving to improve the system, but, at a minimum, the American people expect us to protect what they already have.”

President Trump resumes lashing out against impeachment on Twitter | CBS Evening News [2019-12-26]

Lou Dobbs Tonight 12/26/19 SHOW| Breaking Fox News December 26, 2019 [2019-12-26]